Golden Penis – Is this the new fashion statement

golden penis

How would you like to have a 916 golden penis dangling around your neck? Now imagine flaunting this expensive Ppenis when you are out and about. You’ll surely attract A LOT of attention, but would it be the right or wrong type?

How much would you pay for a golden penis?

These PPs weigh around 9.16 g -9.71g and retail between RM 2857 – RM 3039. It may look small but could turn out to be one of the most Ppriceless investments that you have.

golden penis
Img Source TikTok

See, we weren’t lying. Golden PPs exist! And they ain’t cheap. But while writing this, I did wonder where does all the weight come from. The balls?

golden penis
This is what some people had to say Img Source TikTok

Don’t put it in your mouth!

If you’re someone who has the habit of biting your Ppendant, this ain’t the one you want in your mouth. It could lead to awkward stares especially if you’re in public. This Ppenis does not have erectile dysfunction. It can actually move, so you may wanna be careful.

Watch on TikTok

It’s kinda creepy and fascinating at the same time that the PP moves. But what happens if one of the screws gets loose and the dickhead falls off? Then, does it become Sir headless dick? (HP fans might get the reference).

*Disclaimer: I am actually a good writer, but my editor wanted me to add all those extra Ps…

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About Rube Mohan 60 Articles
Actions may speak louder than words. But words at the right or wrong moment can make an impression that lasts! With that believe in mind, Rube is here to make an impact with her words.