A New Approach to PCOS Awareness in Malaysia

PCOS Awareness

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). But do you really know what it is? Chances are, you’re not alone if you don’t. PCOS affects about 1 in 10 women worldwide, yet awareness about this condition remains surprisingly low, even among women. And that’s exactly why Concevoir, a healthcare brand focused on advancing women’s health, is taking a different approach this September.

What is PCOS?

Let’s break it down for you. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age, causing symptoms like irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and sometimes even infertility. And no, it’s not just a “women’s problem.” PCOS can have a ripple effect on families, relationships, and even workplaces. But, for some reason, conversations around PCOS seem to exclude half the population—men.

What Causes PCOS?

I Know, She Knows, Wait… He Also Must Know La!

This PCOS Awareness Month, Concevoir is turning the tables with a fresh campaign: “I Know, She Knows, Wait… He Also Must Know La!” From September 11th to 16th, One Utama Mall will transform into a hub of awareness, education, and (let’s be real) some good old-fashioned fun.

So, why the focus on men? Concevoir’s team realized something shocking: while there are plenty of PCOS-related campaigns targeting women, the awareness level among women in Malaysia is still low! A recent study in the Klang Valley showed that many women remain unaware of PCOS symptoms or the importance of early diagnosis. But here’s the kicker—there’s almost zero conversation about PCOS among men.

1 in 10 women, 70% don't even know it

And let’s face it, how many men actually know what PCOS is, let alone understand the emotional and physical toll it can take? Spoiler: not many.

What Can You Expect at the Event?

Think interactive booths, talks from healthcare professionals, and even some games (because who doesn’t love games?). Plus, it’s a great chance to pick up some life-changing information, all while shopping, eating, or just chilling at the mall.

Expect sessions led by healthcare professionals who will break down what PCOS is, its symptoms, and the importance of early detection and treatment. You’ll also hear from women sharing their personal stories of living with PCOS. And yes, there will be plenty of opportunities for men to ask questions, learn, and most importantly, be part of a supportive community.

The Other Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

But Why Should Men Care About PCOS?

PCOS is not just a “woman’s issue.” It affects the entire community. When men understand how PCOS can impact someone’s life—ranging from infertility issues to mental health struggles—they become allies in raising awareness and advocating for better healthcare solutions.

Now, we know what you’re thinking—why should men get involved? The reality is simple: men play a crucial role in the lives of the women they love. Whether it’s a partner, sister, daughter, or friend, understanding PCOS can make a huge difference. Imagine if men were just as aware about women’s health issues as they are about the latest football scores. They would be able to recognise the symptoms, offer support, and even encourage the women in their lives to seek help.

Join Concevoir and Make a Difference This Week

  • Venue: One Utama Mall
  • Date: September 11 – September 16th, 2024

Whether you’re a man, woman, or non-binary individual, or someone who just loves a good cause, head down to One Utama Mall this September because your support is invaluable. Show up, participate, and learn. Bring your friends, family, and especially the men in your life to the event. Because this time, it’s not just about her knowing—it’s about everyone knowing.

If you can’t make it to the event, you can still help by spreading the word. Share information about PCOS on social media, talk about it with your friends and family, and encourage open conversations about women’s health.

To learn more about Concevoir and this campaign, visit https://concevoir.com.

See you there! And remember… He must know la!

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About Shiv S 10 Articles
A 23 year old that gets intrigued easily and is curious about everything!