Sosword Puzzle: Try beating our End of 2020 crossword!

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If you’re not sure how to play, instructions can be found after the puzzle. Happy solving!
How to play
- Click on the ‘Start Puzzling!’ button above to start the puzzle. On desktop, a small window will open, and on mobile, a new tab will open. This is perfectly safe, and no sign-up is necessary.
- Click on the top left button to turn off checking. Leaving it on will turn every wrong letter red. Click it again to turn it back on.
- The second button opens an on-screen keyboard. On desktop, you can press the space bar to alternate between across and down answers.
- Clues are displayed at the bottom of the screen, with the amount of letters in parentheses. More than one number means multiple words in a single answer.
- You can also open the list of clues by clicking the top right button.
- The puzzle will reset by refreshing this page. Otherwise, you can just close the puzzle tab/popup and continue later.
Click here for answers
Psst! Can help us ah? If you liked the puzzle and want to share it with your friends, do share the whole Cilisos article instead of just the puzzle. It’ll help us track how many people actually saw the puzzle, since the puzzle engine didn’t tell us that. Thanks!
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