Tell us the weirdest ‘lucky’ superstition and win FREE pizzas!

Growing up in Malaysia where we’re a melting pot of culture, we bet you’ve heard a tonne of superstitious sayings. Whether it’s about getting a wife/husband or buying 4D, one thing’s for sure – they’re all super weird wei! Especially when it comes to getting good luck: 

“If you picked up a coin and passed it to a friend, you will have good luck.”

“If your right palm is itchy, money is coming to you!”

“Passing mandarin oranges will bring your receiver fortune… y’know cos mandarin oranges are called ‘kam’ (gold) in Chinese.”

“If a bird pangsai on your head, you’re going to get lucky. Dirty nevermind.”

And what’s even weirder is… sometimes these sayings are totally contradictory. ಠ_ಠ

So during this festive season, CILISOS and our awesome friends at Domino’s are super kepoh to know what other weird sayings about luck you’ve heard – whether from your parents, your grandparents, aunties and uncles or even friends.


Why Domino’s so kepoh? Want more luck issit?!

Click image to watch video

No la… like how these sayings get passed down from generation to generation, our sponsors themselves also wanna pass down things. Not weird superstition tho, but good things. 🙂

Enter Domino’s #DGoldenPass campaign, where they want their customers to upload a photo of themselves passing food from Domino’s to their family/friends, hashtagging #DGoldenPass and tagging their friends/family at the same time… and the friend/family continues by passing it on to someone else.

The one who starts the longest chain of photos will win a ‘Golden Party’ for 12 people! (Click here for more info.)

That’s not all – for every 88th pass, Domino’s will also make a donation to a charity home of your choice. (Cast your vote on Domino’s FB page) Sweet! 🙂

But for NOW….. 


…. tell us your weirdest ‘lucky’ saying and win some freakin’ pizzas!

featured iamge kam

Das right, ugaiz. We wanna know MORE lucky sayings, so send them our way now! 10 best entries will win a FREE Domino’s regular pizza. #pizzaalldayerrday #tenkiuDominos 

Hurry, contest closes 10th February 2016!

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Tell us the weirdest 'lucky' saying you've heard.*

    Has this ever happened to you? If yes, tell us more!*

    I agree to grant CILISOS Media SDN BHD and Dommal Food Services Sdn Bhd (419060-A) the rights to use the content I submit in their promotional materials, royalty-free and without limitations. However, neither CILISOS Media nor Dommal Food Services Sdn Bhd (419060-A) claim ownership of the content that you create, nor shall they be liable for damages resultant from unlawful use of the content submitted or any related copyright violations.

    NAH, BACA:
    Prefer to lepak at home than go clubbing? Tell us WHY & win RM100 vouchers!
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