10 Most WTF Questions by Actual Malaysian Jobseekers

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Due to the popular response from 10 Most WTF Questions By Actual Malaysian Group-Buying Customers, we decided to explore another industry and what’s more relevant than employment! Unless you were born into a family whose wealth matches the GDP of a small African country; you would definitely need to look for a job. So we decided to turn the tables and interview the interviewers instead.
And yes, before you ask, these are all 100% kisah benars that were told to us by real HR and recruitment professionals.
Here’s a list of the 10 we’ve picked, stylised in the form of memes for you internet pipol who only speak in hashtags and worded-images. We’re also looking for the next industry to cover so please fill in our survey at the end of this article. Your kindness might earn you good karma points to win movie tickets and a brand new phone from us!
(Disclaimer: The names of candidates, HR personnels and companies are withheld due to confidentiality policies… But seriously, WTF, jobseekers?!)
Industry: Various
Experience: Fresh-grads to top level management
Kisah Benar: ‘Dinner’ and ‘taking selfies’… Tsk tsk. These two topics came up a couple of times when we spoke to our HR friends and it seems to be a growing trend. The older ones (mostly male) try to thrown on the charm by asking interviewers out to dinner for whatever benefits and perk(y) they can get, while the younger ones are blind-sided with the whole #selfie craze that the lines between friendships and professional relationships are blurred.
Industry: e-Commerce
Role: Sales
Experience: Senior
Kisah Benar: While companies usually assign a mentor or a ‘work-buddy’ for interns and freshies to help them acclimatise, this doesn’t – or shouldn’t – happen for someone with 5 years’ experience. “This question lingers subconsciously at the back of everyone’s mind during their first week at a new place but this is the first time anyone has ever asked me this in the first interview,” a Recruitment Specialist told CILISOS.

Industry: Marketing agency
Experience: Senior
Kisah Benar: “In our agency we usually give our candidates a standard assessment that includes a little copywriting, making a marketing plan and some problem-solving scenarios,” an Account Manager told CILISOS. The reason for this is to test the way you think and your cognitive reflexes. Too bad for this guy, his dad isn’t even golfing buddies with the big boss.

Industry: Major gym franchise
Role: Frontdesk Customer Service
Experience: Fresh-grad
Kisah Benar: “This little mangkuk assumed that semua yang kerja gym are body builders and super models!” the HR exec tells us. In case you’re wondering, that kid didn’t get the job. Other health and fitness companies out there; you have been warned!
Industry: IT
Experience: Intern
Kisah Benar: “I was told to interview this college kid for a minor admin role. No major work, just some filing and data entry,” says the HR Manager. She also said it is common for middle- to top-level management candidates to want to speak to the CEO, especially after the second interview. “But this is a first time an intern demanded it, 3 minutes into the interview!” she adds (through clenched teeth… angrily). Oh, we forgot to mention that this kid was the son of the COO’s golfing buddy. Pretty coincidental that golf and cronyism were originated around the same time… Heh.
Industry: Telemarketing
Experience: Senior
Kisah Benar: Being a telemarketer, you only get an hour for lunch and roughly around three 15-minute breaks throughout the day, depending on the company. “This lady wanted to convert the allocated 1-hour lunch break into something like overtiming,” laughs the Shift Manager who interviewed her. He had to explain to her that it is company policy that everyone takes this break to avoid any work-related injuries or health issues. She said she could use the diet. In the end she wasn’t hired because the company decided to… maintain a lean workforce.
Industry: Banking
Experience: Fresh-grad
Kisah Benar: “It took me a while to realise why he was hesitant and when I asked why he just said he has a medical condition that he cannot talk about,” the Recruitment Manager tells CILISOS. Recreational drug abuse is getting more frequent lately, resulting in companies being more stringent in their screening. The manager goes on to say that this does not mean that people who dabble with ‘herbal remedies’ are not fit for the job or don’t have the appropriate skill-sets. It’s just complicated to juggle with company policy and, well, the law.
Industry: Sales
Experience: Senior
Kisah Benar: This champion wanted to earn a lil’ more on the side through claims. Now let’s be honest; we know practically EVERYONE has cheated ‘adjusted’ their claims at least once in their careers. Even HR and Finance departments know about this but as long as the amount is realistic and the paperwork is legit, they choose to close one eye. When asked where he was going to get petrol receipts, he casually answered, “Oh, can ask from friends and family what.” Now there’s an entrepreneur right there (and we’re curious to see his tax claims).
Industry: Engineering
Experience: Fresh-grad
Kisah Benar: This young lad claimed he was OCD about where he does his ‘business’ and wanted his own personal shitter. His role required him to travel around to factories and production lines where the toilets are shared just as much as those #icebucketchallenges. The HR personnel told him that even the board of directors did not have their own potties before showing him to his own personal exit door.

Industry: Telecommunications
Position: Senior Sales Executive
Experience: Senior
Kisah Benar: “It is common for fresh-grads to consult their parents for advice,” the Hiring Manager tells us, “but this is the first time someone with 3 years of working experience has done this.” The candidate said that his mum usually accompanies him for all interviews but on that day she was sick. His previous job was at his dad’s company. Go figure.
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