Which party should Khairy join next? Our readers share what they think.

Like your attractive friend who’s been getting many offers from guys to ‘hang out’ to get over their breakup, Khairy Jamaluddin has been seeing job offers ever since he was pecatted from UMNO on January 27th. So far, he’s been offered a DJ job, an offer to join GERAKAN, and even TMJ is hinting that KJ is the ‘future CEO of JDTFC  and Johor Youth Advisor“.

Image from The Star

But… what does the general public think? Well, that’s what we wanted to know when we ran a poll asking:

  • What people think KJ should do
  • Which party they WANT him to join; and
  • How they rated KJ as a politician

Perhaps unsurprisingly…


35% think KJ will join a new party, but 28% think he’ll pull a Mahathir

Out of the 244 responses we collected, the majority (35.4%) thinks KJ will continue his political career by moving to greener, bluer, or rocket-y pastures. However, the second-most picked response was that he’ll just live a comfortable life in retirement; only to come back when he can no longer ignore the will of the Rakyat…. kinda like Mahathir.

Of lesser significance, the same number of people (9.5%) think KJ will start a rock band or try to rejoin UMNO. We’re actually hoping for the rock band to happen since Khairy JamsAloudin sounds like an amazing band name for live shows.

You just have to put the venue after his name!

By the way, you might have noticed the percentages in the screenshots don’t match the text. That’s because, against our better judgment, we left an open-ended option and had to remove these responses to keep the charts tidier. As for those removed comments, one person thought KJ should spend his time cycling around looking for potholes, another thinks he should go for umrah, but the most eye-catching response we saw was “take 100 b00sters and d*ed” (yes, this person really didn’t like KJ based on their other responses).


32% want KJ to join PKR, but 14% prefer him to go solo

Unfortunately for Gerakan, only one person thought KJ should be making them his new political home. Otherwise, the majority’s wishlist was for KJ to join PKR. We thought that MUDA would be an obvious second choice, but it was actually third – just slightly trailing behind KJ becoming an independent candidate. We didn’t think of including starting a new party as an option, but that made up the majority of those who chose to fill in our open-ended option.

Something interesting we found when looking at the granular data was that those who voted KJ highly as a politician WANTED him to join PKR the most, while those who rated him the lowest wanted him to join PAS. We said it was interesting, not important okay?


72% think UMNO made a mistake firing KJ

Still out favorite meme from RojakDaily

While there were a few snide comments about KJ in our open-ended options and our FB post, most of the respondents actually thought he was a decent politician; with an average score of 7.25/10. For reference, a score of 1 was for people who’d rather vote their pet hamster while a score of 10 was for someone good enough to be PM.

For now, it seems that KJ isn’t completely out of the political game, saying that he’s considering making a comeback in the Selangor state election. But as for which party, well…. that’s anyone’s guess for now.

“I think the political ‘market’ is quite saturated right now, so setting up a political party is an option, joining an existing party is another option. I would like to take my time to see what makes more sense.” – Khairy Jamaluddin, as quoted in Free Malaysia Today

[The featured image in this article was taken from a Facebook comment. If you’re the creator, please let us know so we can credit you. 10/10 Photoshopping] 


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About UiHua 273 Articles
UiHua specializes in shaggy dog stories and facepalming puns. Ask him about the Tramp joke. No, seriously... ask him.