Careful when you’re buying used gold

Gold is one of the oldest investments we have. Growing up in the 50s-90s kids would have heard their parents saying “Buy gold, it’ll help you in the future.” Gold is something that never depreciates and holds a lot of value, especially in Asian culture. In the olden days, it was also seen as a symbol of prestige.

Image from imgflip

As times become more trying due to the rising cost of living, people tend to pawn or re-sell their gold. While some gold pieces may be true to their weight and appearance, if you’re unlucky you could get cheated.

Careful when you buy gold (used gold or new)

used gold
Img from Muhammad Shaffi Emas Terpakai

This used gold buyer almost paid more than he was supposed to! Due to his experience and keen eye, he was able to see what was wrong. The pendant is usually used as a talisman. But what was surprising to this buyer was that when he cut open the pendant he found aluminum balls.

used gold
Image from Muhammad Shaffi Emas Terpakai

The aluminum balls weigh 3.36 grams. If the buyer didn’t cut open the pendant, he would have ended up paying at least RM800 extra.

We managed to get in touch with the buyer, he said he was lucky to find out before he bought the pendant. It’s just that we don’t know if the pendant was filled with these aluminum spheres by the original seller or the owner of the pendant. Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to check pendants with similar function before purchasing them. You wouldn’t want to be paying for something that’s not gold.

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About Rube Mohan 60 Articles
Actions may speak louder than words. But words at the right or wrong moment can make an impression that lasts! With that believe in mind, Rube is here to make an impact with her words.