Editor makes coffee butt twerk!

So today, we embrace two things that make CILISOS, CILISOS. Yeah, click-bait headlines are a thing in our office. We embrace them whole-heartedly (pun intended), with the possible exception of me, myself and I.

You know what else is a thing? Quality coffee, freshly grounded coffee brewed twice a day. Everyone gets a cuppa in our office! Writers, freelancers, potential candidates, clients, your mom… And they’re all brewed by our EIC! (That’s Chak, if you’re new to our site.)

So, fast CILISOS fact: Chak makes coffee for us. Everyday. He uses an espresso machine and usually has like fancy latte art and all. Sometimes he gets a perfect heart, other times he makes a pretty shape.

It’s usually this pretty. Except the one on the top left (mine)… Punishment cos I called him an Ah Beng that day.


So anyway yesterday, I got… a BUTT.

Screenshot 2014-09-09 15.52.49

And then, one friend had a brilliant suggestion. And we LOVE listening to our readers’ comments and doing exactly what they tell us to do… So thus… Our latest click-bait title was born.

It twerks better than me. (I tried.)

Writers Jo-Lyn and Ui Hua are pleased with their coffee.

And of course, everyone ELSE is pleased with their cuppa. Pilih kasih!


Yeah… It’s a slow day for news at the CILISOS office. Kthnxbai!




Remember what we said about doing what our readers tell us?

gif the shit out of this

Well, this one’s for you, Kay!

"Bubble butt, bubble bubble bubble butt..."
“Bubble butt, bubble bubble bubble butt…”

(Readers, please don’t ask us to suck a nut next. Pistachios aren’t cheap…)

These people went to 1 Utama to watch a movie but got a...massage?
About Lydia Kwan 44 Articles
Manging Editor who can't spell for nuts