This school’s science lab was about to collapse, until Malaysian runners helped them

For runners and marathon enthusiasts, there’s no shortage of events to lace up for. But beyond just burning calories and clocking in some morning exercise, some run events contribute to something far more meaningful.

This is exactly what happened at Lotus’s Ceria Charity Run, where participants managed to raise a whopping RM150,000 to help two schools in Malaysia. It was so successful that Lotus’s is bringing back the run this year to help more schools!

charity run
Cheers to a great effort at early morning productivity!

With RM20 from every ticket going toward improving digital learning, some lucky students received an unexpected gift: brand-new learning spaces equipped with everything they need to thrive in the digital age.


The money raised last year gave two schools a total glow-up

So glow it’s giving rainbow

If you joined last year’s charity run, you’ll be glad to know that all those early morning sweat sessions actually paid off big time. This run helped Lotus’s Malaysia raise RM150,000, which went straight into upgrading the learning environments at SK Pandan Jaya and SK Methodist ACS Seremban.

Now we’re not just talking about a fresh coat of paint and a couple of new computers. In fact, SK Pandan Jaya’s science lab was infested with termites and hasn’t been safe for students to use for four years. That is until the proceeds from Lotus’s Ceria Charity Run came in to help.

The renovations are all done, and the brand-new facilities at SK Pandan Jaya were unveiled on 29th of August. Cilisos was there and we wanna show you the insane results you guys helped achieve.

First, check out these before pictures.

All the wooden furniture was falling apart. Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia
It was dark and abandoned. Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia

And here’s the after!

All the wooden furniture was replaced with aluminium and stainless steel.
The lab is now brightly lit
It’s also fitted with sinks
The kids were all so pleased with their new lab

Over at SK Methodist ACS Seremban, the situation wasn’t much better. Students were all huddled together on plastic chairs in the old computer lab and the ceiling was marked by stains. Meanwhile, their Reka Bentuk Technology (RBT) lab was filled with really old furniture.

The old computer lab where students were squeezed next to each other. Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia
The old RBT lab that was in desperate need of a face lift. Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia

Now hold your breath for the after pictures.

The new computer lab has ample space, upgraded facilities and is just so much brighter ✨ Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia
And now the kids have a ball of a time during their lessons. Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia
The new furniture in the RBT lab goes a long way in making sure the kids learn comfortably. Image from Lotus’s Malaysia

The transformations are stunning right? And it wasn’t just us who thought so.

“Since [the lab] was damaged [due to termites], we couldn’t let the students use it because it wasn’t safe. But now, the students can come in, and the lab looks so cheerful with new furniture. When Lotus’s offered to help, it felt like a dream come true. It was something we never expected. And all the teachers here support Lotus’s because they’re right next door to us… We’re really grateful. So grateful,” — Pn. Juliyana, PK HEM of SK Pandan Jaya

“[The new lab] feels nice. It’s cool and comfortable. It wasn’t cool to have science classes in the classroom. And it was noisy. Being in the lab is much more seronok,” — Qaisara, Year 2 student at SK Pandan Jaya (edited by Cilisos for clarity)

But hey, last year was just the beginning. The impact was huge, but there are still plenty of schools out there that need a little TLC. So if you’re ready to lace up those sneakers and make an even bigger difference this year, here’s your chance.


Lotus’s Ceria Charity Run 2024 is packed with goodies and fun for the whole family

Image provided by Lotus’s Malaysia

This year’s charity run is set for the end of September, so you still have some time to sign up. But if you want to snatch the Super Early Bird ticket at RM39.90, better hurry and grab a ticket here. And the best part, RM20 from that will go into helping more schools in need, while the rest goes to your goodies and the fun activities that await!

You’re gonna have to wake up super early though so better set a couple of alarms and get a good night’s rest. For now, here’s what you’ll want to mark in your calendars:

  • Date: 29th September 2024 (Sunday)
  • Time: As early as 5AM, depending on your category
  • Place: Lotus’s Ara Damansara

You can pick from three run categories: the 5km for a quick sweat, the 10km if you’re up for more, or the mega 15km if you’re feeling unstoppable. The prices vary depending on how early you are, so don’t wait too late to register!

It says fun run but make sure you don’t push yourself too hard lah. Image from JomRun

And of course, you’ll be getting some goodies too 🥳. Aside from an Ultron event jersey, you’ll also get a finisher medal, a race bib, an e-certificate (for bragging rights), light refreshments, personal accident insurance (safety first ok!), and a RM10 e-coupon for the Lotus’s app. If you’re feeling a bit bougie, you can also add on a Lotus’s Merchandise Jersey for RM50. The proceeds from the jersey will also go into the school fundraiser!

The 15km finisher medal is real fancy if we do say so ourselves
And it’s so cute that you get to collect your goodies at different pit stops. Just a note that 15km & 10km participants will collect their goodies at their final 5km.

There’s also a ton of other side attractions scheduled for the day at the Race Village, which are powered by sponsors and business partners. So you can also explore the area while you catch your breath. There’ll be a bunch of games, a zumba and even a lucky draw!

Treats and games, it’s a whole fiesta!

So if you’re itching for a round of early morning torture (in the best way possible), sign up before 27th September, or earlier still if you wanna try and grab those early bird prices. Just know that there are a ton of kids out there who’ll be eternally grateful for your efforts 🥰. For more information on Lotus’s Ceria Charity Run 2024, you can check out their website.

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