Meet the M’sian initiative aiming to give free education to 100 mil people worldwide

Job hunting is hard! How many of y’all have opened up a job ad only to see requirements to master some random program or software you’ve never heard of? Aiya, people studied English in university la, not freaking Java language okaaaaay.

Find file aso kenot apatah lagi Java???

But seriously, technology now is advancing so fast that people are struggling to keep up with job requirements. To make matters worse, the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) recently announced that up to 60k people will lose their jobs this year!

Eh how la like that… never mind keeping jobs, can we even get them? Well, according to a local initiative calling themselves the Global ReSkilling Movement (GRM)

To stand out in a competitive market, you need the latest skills

According to GRM Organizing Chairlady, Aimi Salma, the job market is so cutthroat now that you need more than technical knowledge to stand out.  

Image from GRM

“Technical competency is important, but it is not enough for individuals to thrive in their careers. The workplace is constantly changing, and individuals need to be able to learn new skills when necessary,” — Aimi Salma, GRM Organizing Chairlady

Which is where GRM comes in — GRM plans to address that by teaming up with sponsors and using those donations to create digital learning accounts. These accounts are said to be packed with courses on all sorts of technical and career skills like digital literacy, critical thinking, and cross-cultural communication. Basically, everything you need to prepare someone for a job in these changing times.

With AI now almost human-like in its abilities, upskilling is really the only way forward. In fact, according to GRM Chief Global Initiator, Jin Tan, if people don’t upskill now, they’ll pretty much be playing catch up thru their entire career.

Image from GRM

“As many as 375 million workers will have to switch occupations or acquire new skills by 2030 due to artificial intelligence and automation. If the current pace of workforce upskilling doesn’t pick up, it could take decades for future employees to be ready for the future of work,” — Jin Tan, GRM Chief Global Initiator


GRM’s aim is to provide learning opportunities for everyone

GRM claims that they’re all about 3 things: quality education, accessible learning, and economic growth. They reportedly recognise the issues the global workforce is facing and they’re here to lend a helping hand.

“With just a small gift of hope, you can transform lives and invest in our future. Together, we can create a more skilled and prosperous society for all,” — Jin Tan

So if you wanna know more, check out their press release, or alternatively, you can head over to the GRM website.


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About Elil Rani 77 Articles
if we've passed each other on the streets, no we didant