Our 8 Fav IKEAHacks available in Malaysia (with prices in RM too!)

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If you’re a big fan of DIYs and IKEA, we’re pretty sure you’ve heard of the Malaysian-made blog IKEAHackers. A site dedicated to modifying and repurposing Swedish furniture. Unfortunately, they might be closed down as soon as this month. By IKEA. Aiyo. So, before they do tho, we thought we’d make a list of our 8 favourite hacks – one for each year they’ve been around.
BUT before that,
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What started as a small blog about cool things to do with IKEA furniture by a mysterious Malaysian girl only known as Jules, soon received international attention judging from the Alexa reviews below, ranking 26,520 in the world is pretty kickass seeing as there’s like a gazillion sites out there (CILISOS is ranked 239,798 worldwide, fyi… more like CILIPADI).
The site is a labour of love for Jules Yap (apparently a pseudonym inspired by IKEA’s Jules chair). This former copywriter started IKEAHacks in 2006 when she found a few cool mods of old IKEA stuff online, and she thought how cool would it be if someone were to compile ALL the hack ideas unto one fun site.

She did it purely out of passion and she didn’t have any intentions of exploiting the brand. Since the global giant does not pay Jules at all, she ran ads on her site to generate some income in order to support her passion, which is understandable as shopping in IKEA can be quite expensive in some countries. Jules doesn’t do most of the hacking and majority of the ideas and pics are contributed from other hackers worldwide.
Unfortunately, rather than work with them to increase revenue streams, it’s been opposed by IKEA (I Kill Ya?) themselves, who’s oppositions is like being opposed by everyone else. Er… which means everyone wants IKEAHACKER to LIVE! Except IKEA.
Inter IKEA Systems B.V. (the international HQ) recently sent Jules a Ceased & Desist Letter, citing that IKEAhackers.net has infringed upon its intellectual property rights. They also asked that Jules agree to voluntarily transfer the domain name IKEAhackers.net to them, failing which they reserve the right to take any legal action it deems necessary against her. Now hold up. Does this sound like a family-oriented brand to you? One that has this huge ad plastered in the middle of its site:

After some negotiations here, some meatballs there, Jules and her lawyer have managed to keep the domain name IKEAhackers.net but only on the condition that it is non-commercial, meaning no advertising at all.
“Now by June 23rd, I would need to take down the ads, not earn any income and still advance their brand on this site. Wonderful! Needless to say, I am crushed. I don’t have an issue with them protecting their trademark but I think they could have handled it better. I am a person, not a corporation. A blogger who obviously is on their side. Could they not have talked to me like normal people do without issuing a C&D?”” – Jules
It’s hard to measure how much global sales IKEAHackers has brought the giants over the span of 8 years, but we’ll like to think it’s quite a fair bit.
Now Jules is contemplating moving to another domain and if you’re a big fan, you can sign up here to be updated when she’s sorted things out. There are also whispers that she might be allowed to continue, but under a different name, but details are still scant.
All hacks below can be done as IKEA Malaysia has all the parts (according to their e-catalogue that is), click on the product name and it’ll lead you to the specific page. All prices are accurate at the time this was published, so blame IKEA if they decide to jual mahal (literally). We’ve categorised the hacks into 3 difficulty levels:
- Level 1 – Nothing more than some nuts and screwing.
- Level 2 – Some possible banging and drilling.
- Level 3 – Call the boss, I’m taking the whole week off!
1. Hipster Shelves
Let’s start off with something simple to warm up. This Hipster hottie will prove that planking isn’t dead. Made with IKEA’s EKBY brackets and any wooden boards, this rack will definitely make heads turn in any coffee joints. All you need is some paint.
EKBY brackets and shelf: RM99
Difficulty level: 1
Tutorial here.
2. Coffee Table Magazine Files
Magazines go very well with coffee tables because you can use them as giant coasters and you can pretend to read them when your mum is asking your 28-year old self why aren’t you married yet. But why not combine both into a cute lil table that you can show off to that hottie next door. Mum will be very pleased.
KNUFF magazine file 2 sets for RM36.90
FROSTA stool: RM29
Difficulty level: 1
Tutorial here.
3. Tablet/Mobile Phone Mount
Do you like to read or surf the net in bed? Do you like to watch random Youtube videos of cats treating humans like slaves? Do you also doze off midway and your phone smashes you in the face? If your answer is yes to all and you’re not a masochist, then we have the answer for you!
TERTIAL desk lamp: RM39
Some other parts are required so check out the tutorial for more info.
Difficulty level: 1
Tutorial here.
4. Comfy Lappie Chair
Now this is a joy for the ADD generation. Why can’t you watch TV and play Clash of Clans at the same time? WHY!? Add a lil foot stool and an ice bucket and you won’t have to get up.
POANG armchair: RM299
FROSTA stool: RM29
Requires some hinges that you can get from IKEA or any hardware store.
Difficulty level: 1
Tutorial here.
5. Home Bar Counter
Now we move on to the slightly more complicated projects, a very important one too! A bar counter! A must for every bachelor pad or dungeon. Why go to the neighbourhood bar when the neighbourhood bar can go to you. The only setback is you might get clogged toilets and overstaying guests.
KALLAX 2×4 shelf: RM249
KALLAX 2×2 shelf: RM129
BESTA shelf: RM155
BESTA shelf: RM210
BESTA shelf: RM130
INREDA shelves: RM25 – RM125
CAPITA legs: RM30
Difficulty level: 2 (but some heavy lifting is required)
Tutorial here.
6. Epic Lamp
Turn a boring metal lamp into a trippy cool ambiance lighting. May not be suitable as a main source of light but it sure works wonders in the bedroom. Disclaimer: fertility rate may go up. We categorised this as a 2 because the drilling part might be a little tricky especially if you don’t have steady hands. Take your time with it and please wear safety gear and warn your neighbours.
FOTO lamp: RM99
Difficulty level: 2
Tutorial here.
7. Small Bathroom, Big Storage
Now we move on to the big boy stuff. This idea is great for storing extra toilet paper and magazines so you won’t have to read the ingredients on your shampoo bottle. Again. Also a great place to store make-up and accessories as you can customise the drawers to include partitions.
LILLANGEN shelves: RM129 – RM225
GRUNDTAL toilet fixtures: from RM29 onwards.
BESTA base shelves: from RM155 onwards.
Difficulty level: 3 (some plumbing required)
Tutorial here.
8. Home Office
This is probably the most complicated one. Not only do you have to assemble and combine furniture, you have to set up the PC and extend certain cables but the trouble is worth it. If you hate taking your work home, this nifty lil set up can also be used as an epic gaming center. What made us wet ourselves was the built-in PC in the cabinet! Ok so it’s no Ironman technology but it’s still pretty cool. Just tell mum not to wipe the cabinets.
ALEX cabinet drawers: RM280
ALEX cabinets: RM220
BILLY racks: RM175
LACK shelves: RM59 – RM79
LINNMON tables– RM255
Difficulty level: 3
Tutorial here.
Well, we hope the site’s still up when you read this. So READ FAST! Also, we promise to take the poll below and send it to IKEA. So let us know your thoughts here
Whatever happens, we’re proud of you Jules! (Obviously you know which way we voted).
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