Sea Limited banjir relief: From add to cart to aid from the heart!

When banjir hits, Malaysians don’t just sit around and wait – we gotong-royong like pros. And stepping up in a big way this flood season is Sea Limited (Malaysia) (yes, the same people behind Shopee), who teamed up with Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) and the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development to send some much-needed bantuan to flood-affected families.
Shopee’s banjir relief – From checkout to charity
If you missed the news, last year’s floods were no joke. About 236,706 people from 68,868 families were affected across the nation, especially in Kelantan and Terengganu. Homes were lost, livelihoods were shaken, and families had to rebuild from scratch. Seeing the need for immediate support, Sea sprang into action.
“We are truly grateful for the support from Sea Limited in providing relief to those affected by the floods. Moments like these highlight the power of unity and the shared responsibility of the government and corporate sector in supporting communities during crises, reinforcing the spirit of solidarity that defines us as Malaysians.”
YB. Dato’ Sri Nancy Shukri, Minister of Women, Family, and Community Development
Through Shopee’s ecosystem, they packed and delivered relief boxes filled with food, personal care items, and household essentials – all sourced through Shopee Supermarket. SPX Express then handled the deliveries, making sure the aid reached JKM’s Depoh Utama Bencana depots in Kelantan and Terengganu.
Not just discounts, but deliveries of hope

But wait – this wasn’t just a typical donation drive. Sea worked closely with JKM and the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development to make sure these aid boxes weren’t just filled with random items but were carefully curated based on what families actually needed.
“We believe that strong government-private sector collaboration is crucial for effective disaster relief. With the invaluable support from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, as well as the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development, we were able to identify crucial items for the aid boxes and successfully had them delivered directly to those in urgent need of them. This initiative not only provides immediate assistance to flood victims but also demonstrates the importance of collaboration across sectors to support Malaysians in their time of need,”
Terence Siau, Country Head (MY), Sea Limited.
It’s heartwarming to see corporations stepping up alongside government bodies to lend a helping hand when Malaysians need it most. Hats off to Sea and Shopee for putting their logistics and e-commerce muscle to work for a good cause. This initiative isn’t just about delivering boxes – it’s about delivering hope.