Tell us about unhealthy habits in Msian offices & win COOL stuff!

We wanna start our article with a little #cilisoskepoh session… hur hur…

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If you answered ‘yes’, don’t emo, you’re not alone. Some of our own lazy CILISOS staff do that too! No wonder we all cepat sakit.

See, Malaysia’s sedentary lifestyle is starting to take a toll on our health. Some of us spend an average of 40 hours a week staring at our computers, plus maybe another 5 to 6 hours a week in a car. Not everyone makes exercising a routine, in fact, some end up watching TV or checking Facebook at night!

Plus, we’re surrounded with cheap and delicious food, and we’re always driving everywhere we go. No wonder Malaysia is the FATTEST country in Asia. Statistically, nearly HALF the population (of 30 million people) are overweight and obese, revealed the Health Ministry.


Don’t kancheong…. Now being healthier has an incentive!

Introducing our sponsor AIA’s latest product – AIA Vitality.

If you’re thinking it’s just a boring azz (sorry AIA) insurance policy, well it isn’t. This is actually pretty cool. They wanna motivate you to progress physically so you can live a healthier, better and longer life… but how? By creating a unique insurance and health programme that actually rewards you for making healthy choices. And like these are legit lifestyle rewards you’ll actually want, not some potong stim nonsense.

For example, let’s say you usually take the lift to go up to your office. If you take the stairs, you can earn what they call ‘Vitality Points’. You can also earn these points by doing other stuff such as quitting smoking and going for a jog. Then, you can then claim all sorts of rewards: discount on air fares, luxury hotels and branded goods, free magazines, and of course extra savings in your insurance policy too. (More rewards here.) Check out how it works:

But in the meantime, we want YOU to….


… tell us about your (or your colleague’s) unhealthy habits at work!

That’s right! What are some of the unhealthy little habits you’ve noticed around your workplace? Tell us, cos we wanna know! We’ll also bring these to health experts and ask them for suggestions on what we can do to ‘fix’ it.

The 10 most amusing and unique entries will be rewarded with some pretty cool stuff, courtesy of AIA:

  • 1 x iPod Nano (worth RM589)
  • 3 x iPod Shuffle (worth RM189)
  • 6 x Mi Band (worth RM59)

Prize selection will be based on the standard ‘siapa cepat dia dapat’ way, so faster send in your entries now! Contest ends 27th June 2016 😀  

CILISOS TIP: think of entries that don’t revolve around food!

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Tell us about an unhealthy habit you've noticed in your office.*

    How often does this happen?*

    Has your boss said anything about this? If yes, tell us what he/she said.*

    Any relevant photo? (Not compulsory, but would definitely help your chances!)

    I agree to grant CILISOS Media SDN BHD and AIA BHD the rights to use the content I submit in their promotional materials, royalty-free and without limitations. However, neither CILISOS Media nor AIA claim ownership of the content that you create, nor shall they be liable for damages resultant from unlawful use of the content submitted or any related copyright violations.


    NAH, BACA:
    Makan after midnight may be a bit harder next year, thanks to a new Health Ministry policy.
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