The cartoons Malaysian kids enjoyed in the 90s and early 2000s

cartoons malaysian kids enjoyed

Growing up in the 90s- early 2000s most of us would remember waking up early on the weekends just to catch our favourite cartoons on TV2, TV3, and NTV7. You can really only define generational experience through weekend morning cartoons Malaysian kids enjoyed.

cartoons malaysian kids enjoyed
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Here’re some of the cartoons Malaysian kids enjoyed in the 90’s

1. Thundercats

cartoon malaysian kids loved
ThunderCats Img Source Movie Web

ThunderCats is a cartoon about a gang of humanoid cat aliens and their adventures on the planet Third Earth that debuted in the 1980s and was revived twice in the 2010s. During its original run, the show was shlocky yet beloved, and it has since retained nostalgic appeal. I remember this airing on TV2 in the mid 90s.

2. Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat


Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat debuted on September 3, 2001, and ran for one season and 40 episodes. The series ended on October 5, 2002, although repeats continued to show on all PBS stations until September 2009. The cats featured in the cartoon are talented scribes that work in the Emperor of China’s palace. They are treated like royalties themselves. Apart from being scribes, the cartoon also follows the many mischiefs of Sagwa and her siblings.

3. Tex Avery MGM Cartoons

This is a snippet of Little Johnny Jet that is part of the Tex Avery MGM Cartoons that used to be on TV2 in the early 90s. There were many similar cartoons like this back in the day. If you were to rewatch it again today it may not make much sense. Even toddlers these days may question our choices. But, it is sure to bring some good old memories back!

4. Hamtaro

This cute Japanese cartoon used to air on NTV7  in 2002. It revolved around the many adventures of this cute hamster, Hamtaro, and his other friends. It was cute watching this little hammy escaping his cage and going on adventures.

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Actions may speak louder than words. But words at the right or wrong moment can make an impression that lasts! With that believe in mind, Rube is here to make an impact with her words.