[VIDEO] Top 8 Awwwwww-sum Raya TV Ads

With Raya just around the corner, the shock of last week’s tragic event may have put a dampener on our festive spirit. We realize that that festivities may be a little more somber than usual, so we thought it’d be nice if we start the week with a list of the top 8 heartwarming Hari Raya advertisements we could find to get everyone back in the Raya spirit a little more.

We did say top 8, so here are the videos in ascending order:


8. Asri & Mei (TM Net, 2012)

Here’s a three-parter ad following the lives of childhood friends Asri, Mei, and Kumar. It’s the quintessential 1Malaysia storyline of multicultural friendship and love set against a backdrop of TM services. 2012 was also a year in which Hari Raya coincided with Merdeka and we feel that TM did a really good job of including the themes of unity and collaboration in a lighthearted manner.




7.  Iklan Motor (TNB, 1998)

No, that probably isn’t the title and it’s from 1998 and not 2013 as stated in the Youtube video. It carries an important message while still keeping to the feel of a Raya ad.


6. Different World (Petronas, 1997)

So you know how Raya ads usually have really festival-appropriate songs accompanying them? This one takes that convention and totally turns it on it’s head. Call us crazy but we can also see the beginnings of Sepet (2004) in this ad, which by the way, is also directed by Yasmin Ahmad.


5. Budak Bandar Balik Kampung (TV3, 2000’s)

We’re not sure which year this came out, but ads like these are timeless. Those of us city kids who balik kampung-ed for the first time would probably remember the culture shock of being away from the conveniences of city living; of meeting relatives who may not share same interests, of bathing without a shower or bathtub for the first time, and sleeping without air conditioning. And when we leave for home, we look forward to doing it all over again next  year.


4. A Tale of 2 Kampungs (Kisah Terlanjur Maznah dan Fendi), (Petronas, 2010)

Set with a distinct P. Ramlee movie feel, this ad addresses the question that many Malaysian couples from different states face when it comes to festivals: Balik kampung siapa? and provides the perfect solution to this issue.


3. Baju Melayu Oren (PNB, 2000’s)

This one focuses less on the festivities of Raya, but more of a lighthearted reminder to keep one’s vanity in check. It may require a few viewings to get the full extent of the joke.



2. Cokodok Monster (TV3, 2007)

We can’t really have a festive ad list without featuring at least one from Yasmin Ahmad. While she was known for her touching (sometimes downright tear-jerking) commercials, this one’s probably  It’s probably the most out-of-the-box ad we have on this list, but you should definitely watch this for the comedic timing and sheer creativity.



And so here’s our number pick, which we have selected based on our love for nostalgia and epic 80’s hairstyles.

Before you watch it though, we would like to wish all our Muslim readers Selamat Hari Raya, and happy holidays to all our non-Muslim ones.

1. Eon Raya Ad (EON, 1980’s)


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About UiHua 275 Articles
UiHua specializes in shaggy dog stories and facepalming puns. Ask him about the Tramp joke. No, seriously... ask him.