Watch Shakespeare’s most violent play at Damansara Performing Arts Centre

Titus Andronicus is infamously known as one of Shakespeare’s most violent and revenge-heavy works; filled with murders, sexual violence, severed limbs, and even cannibalism. Malaysian theatre collective lowercase labs promises a very different experience on an already-heavy script.

Directed by lowercase labs‘ co-founder Low Yee Choy, their take on Titus Andronicus aims to breathe new life into the play by focusing on the psychological depth of the characters and the brutal consequences of their choices. It also redefines theatrical boundaries with an immersive staging format and its unique use of real, dead, and dried flowers.

Cast of Titus Andronicus
Cast of Titus Andronicus

These flowers are integrated into the set, props, and costumes, creating a hauntingly beautiful visual representation that juxtaposes the deadly with the delicate. This will be especially apparent with the seating arrangement that seats the audience within a square ‘mosh pit’ while the action happens around them.

More interestingly, the flowers will also be used to depict violence and represent a character’s life force through cutting, burning, and consuming them.

Titus Andronicus director, Low Yee Choy
Director Low Yee Choy

Low has a deeply personal reason for choosing “Titus Andronicus” for his debut Shakespeare text adaptation. The context of the play scarily resonates with current global conflicts, the relationship between the Goths and the Andronici family in the play mirroring real-world dynamics. For Low, who is naturally drawn to chaos on stage, no other Shakespearean play could be more fitting for this milestone in his career.

The production boasts a stellar cast and ensemble of 10 actors, with some characters being
gender-bent to better fit the current climate and context. This approach provides a different
lens to view the themes of the play, adding layers of depth and contemporary relevance to the classic tale.

Actors Qahar Aqilah as Titus Andronicus (Left) and Yusuf Amin as Aaron the Moor
Actors Qahar Aqilah as Titus Andronicus (Left) and Yusuf Amin as Aaron the Moor

Continuing his trajectory of collaborating with artists from various disciplines, Low incorporates the expertise of a floral artist to bring his unique vision to life.

Titus Andronicus runs from August 15 – 18 at Black Box, Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC). Ticketing information as follows:

  • RM78 (Standard)
  • RM65 (Bulk purchase of four tickets, opening night)
  • RM55 (Student bulk)

Tickets available at, or reach out to lowercase labs on Instagram (@lowercaselabs)

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