We attended a MUDA event at Muar & it was attacked by masked men. Here’s what happened.

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Hey hey, people, Jake here. MUDA had a jamuan in Muar last night, and yours truly was invited to attend. Since I’m never one to reject offers of free food, I went, and everything was pretty standard – speeches, videos of Syed Saddiq, all of the campaigning stuff.
What I wasn’t expecting was that…
Masked troublemakers buat hal halfway through

According to Farhan, one of MUDA’s communications people, a group of lads wearing masks, hats/caps and hoodies rolled up to the hall in a Silver Myvi and started making a fuss. Apparently, they asked to be let into the venue, and when denied entry, they started gettin’ loud.
You can watch the videos here, but there was shoving, pushing, and a MUDA member was even punched by the intruders. At one point, two firecrackers were thrown into the compound. Another MUDA member, Zaim Zukafli, picked one of the mercuns up, threw it away from the crowd a la Call of Duty and got some burns on his right hand his trouble.
Lim Wei Jiet (co-founder of MUDA) also got a few dents put in his car.

Perhaps thinking that this was a Street Fighter 6 beta testing session, the group of people came back for a second round, allegedly yelling for Syed Saddiq to come out of the banquet hall. What did Syed Saddiq himself have to say about this?
“This is the second time (this has happened)… This time, they were bold enough to bring firecrackers… I would like to thank the PDRM for their quick actions (in preventing further damage)… We’re all trying to build a better Malaysia here.” – Syed Saddiq, in a press conference at Malam Mesra MUDA
Yeah, many of y’all probably already know, but something similar happened at another one of Syed Saddiq’s ceramahs last week in Muar. And now, you might be thinking…
Maybe Syed Saddiq needs to mandi bunga
Unless MUDA is jumping through a lot of hoops to do some kinda weird reverse psychology thing in an effort to gain sympathy, two ceramahs in a row being interrupted by troublemakers is a strange coincidence. And hey, for a young (in more ways than one) party, these things might actually point to the fact that they’ve been doing something right – they’re seen as a contender in GE15.
It’s hard to blame anyone if they think that these weird “coincidences” are a conspiracy of dirty tricks set up by political parties trying to get a leg up over the others, given that they happen every election. Remember UMNO’s Cambridge Analytica thing, or the Elections Commission taking down of DAP posters back in 2018? Yeah.
Still, these jamuans and ceramahs are actually a pretty good way to find out about what a party’s directions and visions are for your constituency and the country as a whole… or if you’re looking for some excitement in your life. If you’re worried about safety, chances are, there will be PDRM officers on standby (who did a fantastic job keeping the peace last night, by the way) to quell any trouble that crops up.
Also, hey, there’s free food. I’d still go. Jake out.
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