Why did McDonald’s Msia remove the chocolate sundae cone years back?

First off, we know what you’re thinking – did they pay us to write this? Heck no! We’re writing this because McD’s latest buzz, the chocolate sundae cone, IS BACK. You probably already know this since it’s all over Facebook, so we won’t talk too much about it.

backstreet boy chocolate mcdonalds sundae cone beamly.com.
Ohmaigawsh, it’s back againnn! Image from beamly.com

But why do we even care? Cos it’s the stuff of our childhood, man! It was our dessert staple 20 years ago, and suddenly out of nowhere, McD decided to completely remove it from the menu. WITH NO WARNING WHATSOEVER! We were stuck with vanilla for the longest time. Not that it isn’t great, but…chocolaaaateeee 😥


So why was it taken off the menu in the first place?

Like seeing an old ex come back to into our lives, we’re sure this is the question on everybody’s minds. We contacted McDonald’s and here’s what they told us. 

Remember when they had the sundae cone with the green and pink swirls? They worked best with a vanilla base, not a chocolate base. So since they’re always experimenting with their menu, the chocolate ice cream had to pack up and leave.

mcdonalds sundae cones
Sorry chococlate you can’t sit with us. Images from Time Out, adventurezim.wordpress.com and openrice.com


“It’s our way of exciting customers’ palate. That’s what we do day in, day out at McDonald’s. Now, you might think we have a bunch of people whose only job is to sit in a room devouring sundae cones of a variety of flavours. If only it were true…” – statement from McD

There were many other types of sundae cones that appeared after the green and pink flavour swirl cones, if you recall, like the recent cendol one, chocolate COATED vanilla, and even one time they changed the colour of the cones to green and pink. So yeah, it’s not because the chocolate flavour was unpopular of whatever (biar betul, how can anything chocolate possibly be unpopular??).

lydia jolyn mcdonalds cone chocolate sundae ice cream
Reliving our childhood. YAAASSSS

So why is chocolate back now? Well McD’s tell us that it’s because of us. “We know customers love chocolate, but the response to the Hershey’s Chocolate Flavoured Sundae Cone was incredible,” they told CILISOS in an email. OK great, well can y’all keep it there forever?

“We want to say it’s forever… but good stuff stays great when it’s on a limited time offer. It’ll be available for 8 weeks, so please go grab them before they’re gone again. Who was it that said, absence makes the heart grow fonder?” – McD’s statement

[P/S: That line might’ve come from this writer, or another poet, or William Shakespeare. You decide.]


Obviously the CILISOS team had to try it. And this is what happened…

chak buy chocolate sundae cone
Sorry for the blurry photo #gotfoodcannotfunction

FYI the chocolate ice cream has a new formula as it uses Hershey chocolate to make it!

Our whole team drove to the big outlet at Subang Parade mall (the one with the kids’ playground 😉 ) on the pretext of lunch, just to buy the ice-cream heehee. Some of us went with the choc & vanilla mix , some of us went full chocolate. Price is RM2.50, FYI… not as cheap as the RM1 sundae cone we used to have.

VERDICT: We were half-half on this – some of us said it took us back to our childhood, some said the taste was richer this time. Some even thought that the Milo ice cream is better, and cheaper some more. (RMxx)

Same taste or not, it didn’t stop us from going back to our childhood habits, like our editor freaking uses his tongue to make a volcano hole out of it. Eww.

editor chak mcdonalds chocolate sundae cone ice cream
Why? Why? Why?


So many things we wish we could bring back…

high 5 spicy ikan bilis. Image from danielctw.com
Image from danielctw.com

The most recent one would probably be High-5, coz we will miss their sambal ikan bilis, spicy tuna bread and sardin bread. It’s been many a cheap savory breakfast for pokai people. It was kinda sad to read that they had to close down just before Hari Raya.

Some of our colleagues also said they miss White Castle, an American hamburger restaurant chain. If you didn’t know, there used to be one in Atria, PJ, and on Lowyat forum, people said there was an outlet in Taman Tun. Other colleagues said they missed Taza (“Taza, maknanya segar”, that’s the jingle stuck in their heads). Taza is a BBQ chicken restaurant from Saudi Arabia.

shakeys pizza white castle taza
Shakey’s Pizza (left), Taza (right) and White Castle (bottom). Photo from mizi-akumizi.blogspot.my

Plus, there’s Swensens! OMG their dried ice presentation was just so magical even though, personally, the ice-cream is so-so. We think there might be some a few Swensen’s outlets around, but there’s one at Avenue K, KL. Please tell us if any of these outlets are still available in Malaysia, k?

In the meantime, please excuse us while we…

baby's ice cream

Cadbury Wants To See How You Declare Love on A Chocolate Bar
About New Jo-Lyn 330 Articles
They see me Jolyn, they hatin' (Just kidding. My colleagues made me write this).