5 lesser-known historical spots in Selangor to visit (and take your OOTDs!)

We all know the struggle of getting photo-bombed. Setting up the perfect shot just to have it completely RUINED by an unsuspecting person who accidentally wandered into frame…


It’s a pretty sucky feeling, to say the least. So, what if we told you that there are less-crowded spots located right here in Selangor, that could give you the perfect setting for your next Instagrammable shot for FREE!

We recently went on a little three-day excursion, where we got to learn more about Selangor’s rich cultural history through visiting some of the local museums… while also taking as many IG-worthy pics as possible. Honestly? We were pretty surprised to find so many picturesque spots in the most unassuming places.

And so, we decided to compile some of our favourite “hidden” spots. Starting with…


1. Istana Bandar [FREE ENTRY]

Istana Bandar in Jugra, Selangor
The rustic feel of the palace provides the perfect setting for pictures and movies!

Just like it’s name, Istana Bandar is the historical remnants of a palace that’s located right in the heart of the historical town of Jugra, Selangor. It is the oldest palace belonging to the Selangor Sultanate, and was built back in 1903 by Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, who was revered as a wise and devout sultan.

Interestingly, Istana Bandar was openly accessible to the public back in the day, with Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah hosting royal feasts for his subjects, and even specially constructing his palace to allow the common folk to enter and exit the palace with ease. With the exception of the royal living quarters, of course, which was signified by this gate that reads “Allah ingat-ingat jalan kecelaan” in Jawi.

Jawi Gate in Istana Bandar Selangor

Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah was also a big fan of architecture, so he had his palace designed with Middle-Eastern (Moorish), Chinese, Traditional Malay, and Colonial British influences… which was pretty ideal for us, when we were taking pictures in the palace while decked out in traditional gear.

Malay Traditional wear with Tanjak headdress posing at Istana Bandar Selangor

Baju Kebaya traditional wear in Istana Bandar Selangor

In similar fashion to how it was built in the first place, entry to the palace is completely free. Unlike a typical museum, it does not possess any proper exhibitions, but there are scannable QR codes scattered throughout the area that would display infographics about different parts of the palace.

Be warned- it can get pretty hot though. So, if you happen to stop by during your next trip to Selangor, we would highly recommend you stock up on sunblock and bring a fan with you!

And that’s not all that you’ll find in the area…


2. Insitu Jugra Museum [FREE ENTRY]

Insitu Jugra Museum in Jugra, Selangor
Like the sign says: I <3 MUSEUM JUGRA

Located about 8 kilometers away from Istana Bandar, the Insitu Jugra museum was built back in 1878 by a British police officer, where it was previously an old police station which also functioned as the very first prison (or “lokap“) in Selangor. Comprised of two-stories, the building served as a place for criminal offenders to receive punishment, whereby the upper floor functioned as a court while the lower floor was used as a prison.

The museum currently hosts 3 different exhibits, each explaining a different aspect of Selangor’s history; from the chronological development of the district, to the results of excavation efforts in the surrounding areas such as prison structures, mini courts, old wells and others. Within this museum, you’ll get the chance to read up about the extensive history of the Kuala Langat district, and check out the historical relics that they’ve excavated from the area!

Insitu Jugra Museum exhibition 1 in Selangor
Check out this old measuring equipment used back then…
Insitu Jugra Museum well exhibition in Selangor
And this Well where British soldiers washed their uniforms!

Much of the building’s architecture resembles a British colonial design with brick walls and metal gates… Though, the aesthetic of the building completely changes upon reaching the second floor, whereby the place seems to transform into a fabulous bungalow. Nonetheless, both settings still provided us with the perfect settings and lighting for us to take glamorous OOTD shots such as these:

OOTD 1 at Insitu Jugra Museum, Selangor
Here’s a shot we took outside the prison area on the Ground Floor
OOTD 2 at Insitu Jugra Museum, Selangor
And here’s a shot we took on the top floor, outside the “courthouse”

Once again, entry into the museum is completely free of charge. And with the museum providing two contrastingly different settings in a single building- you’re technically getting 2 photo-ops (and a whole  museum experience btw!) for the price of NONE. What a steal!


3. Traditional Games Museum [RM3/ENTRY]

Traditional Games Museum, or Muzium Permainan Tradisional in Bukit Malawati, Selangor
At first glance it may look like a school…

Calling all 90’s kids! Remember all the games we used to play back in school like hide and seek, or batu seremban? Now, what if we told you that they’re now considered “traditional”, and are currently being kept in museums?


That’s right. With kids nowadays opting to play their games on a screen, many of our childhood games are slowly dying out. And so, to preserve the heritage of these games which used to entertain us before smartphones existed, the PADAT team decided to put them up for display in their Traditional Games Museum; accompanied by colorful comics and scannable QR codes to help illustrate how each game is played.

The exhibits range from local traditional games such as congkak and bulu ayam, to games found worldwide, such as hide and seek, and hoop rolling.

Exhibition 1 at Muzium Permainan Tradisional, Selangor
Those were the days… back when we’d turn anything into a toy
Exhibition 2 at Muzium Permainan Tradisional, Selangor
This writer used to hurt her fingers playing with bottlecaps as a kid… it was worth it tho

Located atop Bukit Malawati, this place is ideal for families; parents can share their experiences playing these traditional games with their kids, and children can learn about fun things to do when their gadgets run out of battery. But even if you’re not stopping by with family, there’s still an array of interesting things to do in the area.

For instance, our intern Leo got to try his hand at playing gasing:

Gasing playing at Muzium Permainan Tradisional, Selangor
Turns out spinning a gasing is MUCH harder than it looks

Outside the exhibition area, the museum maintains the same colorful theme with their rainbow bridge and rainbow staircase, which was probably designed for pictures… because just look at some of the photos we took there!

OOTD 1 at Muzium Permainan Tradisional, Selangor
Here’s our intern Leo serving LOOKS on the Rainbow Bridge
OOTD 2 at Muzium Permainan Tradisional, Selangor

However, unlike the previous museums, there is a small entrance fee of RM3 for both the Traditional Games Museum and the Kuala Selangor District Museum, which is also located nearby. Which brings us to…


4. Kuala Selangor District Historical Museum [RM3/ENTRY]

Muzium Daerah Kuala Selangor

Ever wondered how Kuala Selangor was formed, and how it’s changed over the centuries? Here’s where you can go to get those questions answered! Located at the peak of Bukit Malawati, the museum hosts a wide array of exhibitions that explain how Kuala Selangor came to be, as well as how its progressed over time. Here, visitors can view historical relics that can help them visualize how Kuala Selangor may have looked in the past.

Exhibition 1 at Muzium Daerah Kuala Selangor

Canon Exhibition at Muzium Daerah Kuala Selangor
Turns out this was a real, live canon- but it’s been sealed off for safety reasons

Outside the museum, you can also find real canons on display- along with a replica of a lighthouse which was perfect for us to pretend like we were on a holiday abroad!

OOTD at Muzium Daerah Kuala Selangor
We just HAD to get a picture of this view
Lighthouse replica at Muzium Daerah Kuala Selangor
Greece? ❌ Selangor ✅

Like we mentioned earlier, tickets to this museum are priced at RM3, that also comes with entry to the Traditional Games Museum which is a short walking distance away. Although, we should also disclaim that cars are not allowed up Bukit Malawati on weekends- therefore, visitors can take a tram that goes up the hill for RM5.


5. Sabak Bernam District Museum [FREE ENTRY]

Muzium Daerah Sabak Bernam, Selangor

If you were to think about Sabak Bernam, the top things that might pop into your head are usually paddy fields and the beach. And that is exactly what this museum about. Sorta. Located right next to the Bernam River, the Sabak Bernam District Museum showcases the growth of agriculture and fishing in Selangor, where you can look at old farming and fishing tools that were used way back when.

Exhibit 1 at Muzium Daerah Sabak Bernam, Selangor
BRB buying this old coffee grinder for my coffee-obsessed boss
Exhibit 2 at Muzium Daerah Sabak Bernam, Selangor
We got to check out this cool traditional coconut grater for ourselves too!

Seeing these tools in-person was quite surreal, and it was tough to imagine how people had to manually grow and harvest their own food with handheld tools back then. As such, the team decided to let us try it out for ourselves. Needless to say, it was probably the highlight of our Selangor trip, and we were very grateful for the existence of modern technology after that.

Here’s a short video of us trying to harvest the flesh of a coconut to make santan:

While we were there, we also hopped on the chance to get some of our pictures taken at the famous Bernam river next door, where Sabak Bernam might’ve derived its name from. This view of the Bernam river gave us the coolest background for our pictures, and accurately showcases the natural beauty of Sabak Bernam that we wanted to capture during our Selangor holiday:

OOTD at Bernam River, in Sabak Bernam, Selangor
Coffee, Me, or… Tree? (sorry)

Entrance to the Sabak Bernam District Museum is completely free of charge. Although, the activities that we participated in are currently only available by request, typically for large tourist groups looking to experience them.

So, if you’re looking to check out any of these museums listed here for yourself, you can always refer to the Perbadanan Adat Melayu dan Warisan Negeri Selangor (PADAT) official website for more information.

But even if museums aren’t your thing, and you’re still looking for more places within Malaysia to give you that rich cultural experience…


Maybe Selangor could be your next holiday stop!

Penang is known for its food, Borneo is known for its wildlife. And for Selangor, most people might think of coming here for the malls or a taste of the city-life. Though, as we learned through our little trip, there is so much more to see and do outside of the city areas, if you were to venture out just a little bit more.

Batik Painting in Selangor
Fun fact: The designs on Batik are illustrated using wax… which we also accidentally spilled 🙁


Nasi Ambeng, heritage dish of Selangor
Fun Fact #2: The Jawa people love their Nasi Ambeng so much that they even made a song about it!

And even though we were only able to highlight the historical and IG-worthy aspects of Selangor, we also discovered so many other fascinating things about the state; from traditional artforms like batik-painting and Ronggeng dance sessions, to delicious heritage dishes such as Nasi Ambeng, Punten, Lemper, and more!

So, if you’re considering Selangor for your next cuti-cuti Malaysia trip, you can check out Tourism Selangor’s website to find out more about all the exciting activities to be had while visiting the state!

Malaysia plans to help couples from China get a second child, by promoting medical tourism.
About Ivory Anne 86 Articles
This elusive creature can be found in the depths of social networking sites, feeding on an endless diet of coffee, memes, and dad jokes.