Malaysians grateful for ‘Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah’ cash aid. Here’s how they’ll use it

So how many of you guys here keep up with the yearly budget speech? 😶 Yeaaaah, it can be difficult to make time for it, but it’s where you get all the latest info on the government’s financial aid programs– and trust us, you don’t wanna miss those.

In fact, Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) is one those programs, and you can bet it’s making a bunch of people super happy right now, with phase 3 of the cash assistance handed out on June 26th.

STR is basically a government program that gives cash assistance to the B40 group. The money is distributed every 3 to 4 months either via online transaction if the recipient has a bank account, or if not, they’ll have to head out to the nearest Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) branch and collect the payment in person.

Coincidentally, Cilisos was right there in the thick of things at a BSN branch in Klang when Phase 3 was happening. And we had the chance to meet a couple of beneficiaries who were buzzing with excitement to share their plans on their newly acquired minty fresh ✨duit✨

Lots of people turned up on the first day of handouts


Many use the money for their basic necessities like paying bills

Now doesn’t that put things into perspective? For those of us fortunate enough, any extra money is usually put into a lil tabung or spent on luxuries to treat ourselves. But for the people we met, it’s what allows them to afford their essentials.

People waiting in line for their turn

Rega is a Klang local who will immediately put her STR money to use. According to her, the RM 200 she got in Phase 3 will go towards family expenses, though previously she’d been using the money to foot phone and electricity bills.

“It’s all used on basic necessities, there’s not enough to save. Today’s money is for my family, but before this I used it to pay my phone and electricity bills,” — Rega Thampusamy

Mdm Rega recounting her plans for the money she received

And it’s the same story with 60-year-old Eng Chee Kiong. His wife is the sole breadwinner of their family and they have 5 kids to look after. He received RM 800 and that money will go straight to his kids to cover part of their schooling expenses.

“I will give the cash to my children. I got 5 children. So I will give it to them to buy school things,” — Eng Chee Kiong

Chupp, we gotta mention how admirable it is that these beneficiaries handle their money so responsibly. And that in turn just highlights the importance the program has had on the B40.


With the current steep costs of living, a little goes a long way

As things are lately with skyrocketing prices and disproportionately low wages, many are feeling the pinch in their wallets. So with the STR program taking into account the beneficiary’s income and the size of their household, the extra cash can at least help with their daily expenses.

The distribution of money for the 2 categories of net income. Image from LHDN Malaysia

While some choose to use their money for bills, and others prioritize their children’s expenses, they all agree that the STR program should continue for as long as possible.

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