Kesiannya. Malaysian Dude Can’t Join a FB Group Cause of His Name… [UPDATE!]

*We have an update to #fukenho! Click here to head straight to the update if you have already read this post. Otherwise, read on!*

About a month ago, we posted what we thought was our shortest article ever. We were wrong. We present to you our shortest article ever: a chat between a guy with an awesome name and the admin of a fan group for a custom jewelry brand called Steel Flame.


In case you missed it, the group admin probably isn’t too familiar with Asian names and thought there was Sum Ting Wong with the name, like a prank account or something. We’re not entirely sure how affiliated the fan group is with the actual company, so we’re gonna give the brand the benefit of doubt. Plus, their products look pretty good.

Steel Flame
Screenshot from Steel Flame’s website

We give Ho Fu Ken credit for not choosing an alternate name like “Bob” and for wearing his with pride. Asian names are awesome.

*#fukenho update!*

You’re probably wondering what’s up with the hashtag thing, right? Maybe? No? Well, we were just notified that Fu Ken has just gotten himself a new tattoo and, you guessed it:

15781_10152485346364830_8452462162567825155_n 10407925_10152485687939830_4277027237658325059_n

We asked him why, and he says:

[After] the whole fiasco about my name and that it’s my name, so why not? Cos I’m who I am, nobody gonna change it

We give you much fistbumps, man. #fukenho4president

Oh, and this was done by Kevin Mitchell of Black Cat Tattoo, Sunway Pyramid.


If you have or know someone with an equally awesome name, send it over to us using the submission form below. We can’t promise you anything in return, but we can credit you and get you coffee at the very least 🙂

Otherwise, scroll down past the form for some video hilarity.

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    Neither I, nor Cilisos Media will get into any legal trouble kind of thing for using this image.



    NAH, BACA:
    You won't believe what these Orang Asli in Kelantan did to protect their land...
    About UiHua 275 Articles
    UiHua specializes in shaggy dog stories and facepalming puns. Ask him about the Tramp joke. No, seriously... ask him.