Tell us your most GERAM car-parking stories and get Uber credits worth RM50

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Doesn’t it feel like finding parking in Malaysia is a lot harder today than it was 10 years ago? Doesn’t matter if petrol is getting more expensive by the week, because there’s been a steady increase in our car ownership. In fact, it increased by 30% from 2010 to 2015 and there are more than 20 million cars on Malaysian roads!
In fact, a study by Boston Consulting Group for our friends at Uber found that in KL itself, there are close to 6 million cars moving around. To park them all, it would take a carpark the size of 9 KLCCs. It also found that the average KL-ite wastes 20 days a year just looking for parking, and burns an average of RM16,000 annually on traffic and parking costs. Wah at that price you can fly to London with your girlfriend and celebrate Christmas there lor.
Quantity of cars aside, there’s also so much development everywhere we go. And to make things worse, we have the typical Malaysian kiasu mentality too! -__-” Wanna park in popular places like Uptown PJ or Mont Kiara, sure end up fighting with people one. End up no mood to go paktoh already.

Thankfully, today, we’ve got a sensible and comfortable alternative: ride-hailing apps! Our friends at Uber need no introduction. In the beningging benginnin beginning, most of us only used Uber as an alternative to taxis. Airport rides, car breakdowns, and maybe even business meetings… yadda yaddah. But because it’s so convenient, we’re finding more reasons to use it leisurely, like if we wanna go have dinner, go dating or even to the gym.
Without any need to look for a parking spot, your only concern is to count how many steps it’ll take you from your Uber to your destination. And just imagine how much empty our roads and parking lots would look like if more and more people Ubered around! What a time to be alive.
Anyway, that’s not the point of this article. What we really want to know is…
What’s the worst thing ever that happened to you while looking for parking?
Malaysian drivers are popular for a lot of things, and unfortunately being courteous at the parking lot is NOT one of them. So together with Uber, we wanna kepoh and find out some of the worst parking incidences experienced by CILISOS readers.

Fill up the form below and we may just reward you with Uber credits worth RM50! TIP: make sure that your entries are interesting and as elaborate as possible. Don’t leave out the juicy details! We’ll be publishing some of the best (or… worst?) stories in a few weeks’ time.
To start you off, here’s one from the office:
“I double parked this car cos I just needed to get something from the shop. There were no empty lots la, too many cars edy. Anyway I was just gone for 10 seconds and the person I double parked hit my car in order for him to get out.
I ran to confront him, but he just said that I double parked illegally so that’s my own problem. Then he drove off while my bumper was left broken.” – Chak, Editor-in-Chief
[Writers’ note: We do not condone his behaviour k? Padan muka kena bang ]
Eeesh. Hurry, contest ends 20 December 2017. Good luck!
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