What things do ONLY Malaysian clubbers do? Tell us and WIN Smirnoff Ice!

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Malaysians are the eighth latest-sleeping population in the world, with most of us sleeping way past midnight on a regular basis. This explains why we can’t figure out how Australians make a big deal of late-night shopping – where malls close at…….. 9pm (pft. Lazy angmohs!).
This also explains why Malaysians have had plenty of late nights to develop a VERY uniquely Malaysian clubbing culture – the way we dance, the way we party, the way we pose and of course – the way we drink.
Smirnoff Ice wants you to point out our unicorns!
Our kawanz at Smirnoff Ice are all for the encouragement of AWESOME. And their definition is basically not giving a Selangor dam about what other people think – because as long as you’re having fun, why worry about how you look while doing it (like this Unicorn on the right)!
We already know Malaysians are a unique bunch – dipping toast in kopi, never being on time, and never being afraid to make fun of anything. Specifically, Smirnoff Ice wants to ask ugaiz what makes Malaysian clubbers such friggin unicorns – unique in our clubbing culture.
Just tell us things that ONLY Malaysian clubbers do, and you could win a 4-pack of Smirnoff for you to enjoy with yer happsenning friends!
Faster go say #tenkiuSmirnoffICE on their Facebook page ^__^
Hurry, contest ends 16 August 2015!
PS: Oh, and share la with your clubbing kaki don’t selfish hoard all the Smirnoff Ice to yourself. Tsk.
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