What’s the STRANGEST thing you’ve experienced in your school days? Tell us!

If you grew up in Malaysia, there’s a high chance you’ve heard of strange things happening in your sekolah rendah/menengah. From typical hantus to moving chairs, from weird creatures in the longkang to schoolmates with odd abilities… it seems like our schools are actually normal places where extraordinary things happen.

We asked around for some stories across the CILISOS.MY office, and here’s what we heard:

“My mom used to teach in SMK Seaport. She said there used to be a teacher who would randomly get on top of a table and pretend to be a chicken.” – Uihua

“During Kimia, a guy in my school started screaming and then running out of the class. He crashed into a wooden wall, and turns out he was possessed.” – Marcus

“Ok there’s a legend of a CROCODILE that lives in the longkang at the back of SMK Damansara Jaya. I studied there and I can tell you that it’s 100% true. I’ve seen it. A CROCODILE IN A LONGKANG COME ON HOW WEIRD IS THAT?!” – Chak


So.. why is CILISOS so kepoh over strange stories from school?

Cos our sponsor, 20th Century Fox, has got an even stranger movie coming out soon! If you think your school is peculiar, wait till you see the weird world of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, in Malaysian cinemas from 29th Sept 2016.

A place like Miss Peregrine’s Home is not as ordinary as it seems. The fact that it’s directed by Tim Burton should pretty much tell you enough 🙂

Based on the 2011 novel by Ransom Riggs, this dark, creepy and super fascinating story follows a teenage boy named Jacob Portman (Asa Butterfield) who ends up working for the mysterious Miss Peregrine (Eva Green) on an island where he helps a peculiar group of orphans with strange powers. Our favourite cussy-2-shoes Samuel L. Jackson plays the scary Barron too. Check out the trailer:

Wanna go for the exclusive preview? Just tell us your story 😀

Sift through your memory of your schooldays, and tell us about the strangest things you’ve seen or experienced. Whether it was a weird occurrence, a person with an odd ability, or even spotting a weird creature – we wanna know! Didn’t happen to you but you heard it from your friend? Don’t worry – tell us anyway 🙂

10 of the most interesting stories will be rewarded with 4 passes to the exclusive preview screening of Miss Peregrine’s Home at 9pm, 27th Sept 2016, in GSC One Utama.

P/S: We’ve received a lot of ghost/kena rasuk stories… Submit other types of stories k! We wanna hear other stuff too! Hurry, contest close 6th September 2016 😀 

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Tell us about the most peculiar thing you've seen/experienced during your school days

    How did you/the people around you react to the incident?

    How old were you when this happened, and which year was it?

    Any relevant photo (Not compulsory, but would definitely help your chances!)

    I agree to grant CILISOS Media SDN BHD and Twentieth Century Fox Film (Malaya) Sdn. Berhad the rights to use the content I submit in their promotional materials, royalty-free and without limitations. However, neither CILISOS Media nor Twentieth Century Fox Film (Malaya) Sdn. Berhad claim ownership of the content that you create, nor shall they be liable for damages resultant from unlawful use of the content submitted or any related copyright violations.

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