Would you continue wearing masks even when there’s no more saman? Undi now!

Not much background info on this since it’s a pretty straightforward question… but if you wanna know why we’re suddenly asking this question, feel free to scroll to the bottom. But if not, you can just give us your votes in the poll, k?

As always, please ignore the sign-in requirement~ uwu~


A month into the endemic, PDRM put out a statement about the mask mandate…

With our country entering an endemic state, the government introduced a new set of SOP’s at the start of the month, which included things like our borders reopening and close contacts no longer needing to quarantine themselves (even if they tak kena cucuk!). Though the mask mandate remains unchanged.

Funnily enough, the PDRM had put out a circular message just a few days ago where they said that they would no longer issue fines for not wearing a mask. However, the statement was later retracted due to it being a ‘technical error’.

U-turn again?! Picture from PDRM on Facebook.

This means that not wearing a mask in public will still get you fined for now… at least until KKM announces new Hari Raya SOP’s sometime this week.

But despite the little mix-up, Malaysians have begun wondering when we’ll start going mask-less like certain other foreign countries, even though some of us might have already grown pretty used to wearing one at this point.

So, even if we were no longer required to wear a mask in public, would you still do it? Let us know by voting in our poll above!

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About Ivory Anne 86 Articles
This elusive creature can be found in the depths of social networking sites, feeding on an endless diet of coffee, memes, and dad jokes.