[CONTEST] If X-Men were M’sian, what superability would they have?

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Hands up if you’ve always wanted to be an X-Men! Well maybe not so much having to wear a costume…

… but you’d certainly want to have those powers though! Imagine how easy it would be if your car kena blocked by double parkers. Just lift your hand and you can move your car out… no need to get a lorry to ram them down.
To be honest, there is SO much we could do if we had a wee bit of superhuman ability in us. Having the ability to control people’s minds (like Professor X) could make thieves drop their knives… or being a shape-shifter (like Mystique) could let make us jump queue* in the JPJ office

*Just kidding. Don’t jump queue. Veli nonai.
X-Men: Apocalypse is coming to cinemas in less than a month!
And we’re REAAAALLY excited! Not because 20th Century FOX is sponsoring this contest, but because it looks tooootally badass. It’s been 2 years since the last X-Men (‘Days of Future Past’, CILISOS rating 9/10), and now the X-Men are returning with a massive new nemesis to fight: the god-like Apocalypse who could easily be the biggest, baddest villain of the year.
It’ll be out in cinemas from 19th May 2016, so don’t miss it! Check out the trailer here:
Sibeh kancheong wei!!! (Sungguh mendebarkan!!!)
And you can be one of the first few people IN THE WORLD to watch it!
Das right ugaiz… The movie is being released in Malaysia even BEFORE it hits cinemas in the US. We’re one of the earliest in the world! Now, we have 10 pairs of tickets to give away for the super exclusive X-Men: Apocalypse preview on 17th May 2016, at TGV Cinemas, 1 Utama PJ.
It’s so easy to win these tickets. Just tell us… If X-Men were Malaysian, what superhuman abilities would they have?? The funniest, most creative entries win!
We asked around the office for some ideas:
“Errr… ‘Durian Girl’. Her ability is to smell like durian so nobody will rebut her seat or crowd around her in the KTM.”
“My Malaysian X-Men would be ‘Clarity’. Everytime got haze, Clarity just needs to suck in the air and the sky will be clear again. API level back to healthy.”
Send in your entries using the form below, and hurry cos contest ends 4th May 2016
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