Dogs in Malaysia using pedestrian bridge warms hearts

Dogs in M'sia

Wait, dogs in Malaysia are more safety conscious compared to humans? Pedestrian bridges are a common sight above busy roads in Malaysia. But, what caught the eye of this TikTok user warmed many people’s hearts.

In this TikTok video from Dr Pavi which has over 2,050 shares, below you can see three doggos using the pedestrian bridge to cross over a busy road during peak hour.

What a cute sighting

Imagine being stuck in traffic looking out the windscreen and you see something that takes your mind off the traffic. We are pretty sure that whoever saw the doggies on the bridge would have been amused. Perhaps the stress of being stuck in heavy traffic would have subsided a bit.

These canines appear to be more aware of Malaysian traffic rules than some of us. From their body language, these three paw-frens seem to be familiar with the traffic in the area. By the looks of it, this isn’t the first time that they are using the bridge.

Here is what some of the TikTok users have to say:

dogs in malaysia
Image Source TikTok

dogs in Malaysia

Furkids usually emulate what we’ve trained them to do, but who would have taught them to use the pedestrian walk? It’s amazing how much they can learn by just watching. Coz, you can actually see someone walking right in front of the TikTok user’s car towards the end of the video. Which kinda makes you wonder kan, “If doggies are smart enuf to use the bridge available why not us hoomans?”

It’s a doggy dog world!

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About Rube Mohan 60 Articles
Actions may speak louder than words. But words at the right or wrong moment can make an impression that lasts! With that believe in mind, Rube is here to make an impact with her words.