How did your mummy and daddy get together? Tell us & win an angpow for them :)

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Valentine’s Day is coming soon! Are you already in a relationship and going for fine dining? Or try your luck asking your Tinderella? Whatever your choice, it’s probably a safe bet to say that these options weren’t available to your parents.
Back then, there was no fine dining, no apps, and no Zouk. There were barely any cinemas. So as disturbing a question as this might be for you… how the heck did your parents get together? Here’s one example from CILISOS staff who shall go unnamed
“My mom was in Form 1, and saw my dad playing basketball in the school. My dad’s name was Keong, and to get his attention, my mom would shout out his name as “Siew Keong”, which means cockroach in Chinese. That’s because he was a bit short la. Finally after a few months, my dad took notice, asked her out, and the rest is history :)”
Wait… who wants to find out? Er… Durex
Erm… why does the world’s #1 condom brand wanna find out how your dad got your mom? Well as we mentioned, the big V-day is coming up, and Durex wants ugaiz to think of it as a time you share with love everyone, not just your lover. And what better way to reconnect with your parents than with the eternal question…

We know it might be an awkward question, but hey… what better way to reconnect with your parents than with some good ol’ fashioned Asian awkward silence? If it’ll help sweeten the deal, the winning entries will get not only a box of Durex Invisible Extra Lubricated 12s condoms for yourself, but a nice RM100 angpow for your parents as well! Just in time for CNY too!
Contest closes 1st February 2019, so get those entries in now! Please feel free to go into MORE detail about their courtship to increase your chances!
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