Tell us how Msians can afford a Porsche & you can WIN one! (kinda)

Thinking back far enough… before we ever saw a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, most of us probably started our sportscar obsessions with a Porsche parked somewhere in the datuk’s house in our neighbourhoods. And chances are, even without looking at the badge, you can still recognise the shape today.

An old 944 next to a 911 at the Star Motoring Carnival 2012 - Image via
An old 944 next to a 911 at the Star Motoring Carnival 2012 – Image via

Way before Tun M was spotted in a Cayenne, before David Duchovny used it as a getaway car, and Tom Cruise sunk one into a lake, Porsches have been recognised as one of the world’s most iconic sports cars.


OMG. And now you can own one too!

petron porsche 2

Yep that’s right! You can get either of these beautiful models from any Petron station for RM50,  just by pumping RM100 worth of Petron’s new superfuel – Blaze 100 by May 31st! It might be a model, but it sure ain’t no toy. These two beautiful models (the Porsche Carrera GT and 918 Spyder) are on a 1:24 scale… so these babies are big!

Petron Blaze 100 is Malaysia’s only RON100 fuel (Everyone else only has RON95 and RON97), which promises better power, better mileage, better engine protection for a wide range of cars! In fact, this stuff is so premium you can only find it at selected Petron stations. Here’s the list of stations that have it… if you’re curious.

Of course, if you want one of the Porsches for FREE, don’t worry! CILISOS gotchu covered!

Tell us your WACKIEST (but Malaysian la) solutions of how you’d be able to afford a Porsche (or get it some other way). If your entry is selected for our article, we’ll be sending you one of these babies!

1calculate bn hawker dinner
Use calculation like this… or even better… take a picture of your math and super nice handwriting!

Remember, even the most affordable Porsche (Macan) costs RM420,000… while the most expensive (911 GT3 RS4.0) costs RM1.75 million (Ya the Carrera GT and Spyder so exclusive we couldn’t even find prices!). So use this info to your advantage and tell us your jalan kerja/math of how you’d be able to afford a Porsche of your choice!

Closing date is 25th May 2016 (yes,pretty soon yo)!

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Which model do you want to own?*

    Describe your method in less than 20 words*

    Which model would you wanna own and what's your Jalan Kerja (math) to earn it?

    Supporting images (not compulsory, but would definitely help your chances. The funnier the better)

    I agree to grant CILISOS Media SDN BHD and PETRON MALAYSIA the rights to use the content I submit in their promotional materials, royalty-free and without limitations. However, neither CILISOS Media nor PETRON MALAYSIA claim ownership of the content that I create, nor shall they be liable for damages resultant from unlawful use of the content submitted or any related copyright violations.

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