This new service just launched Msia’s most ridiculous treasure hunt

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Contest giveaways with ‘cool’ mechanics are a dime a dozen these days. With so many brands vying for the attention span of the world’s most active Facebook users, Malaysia’s newsfeeds have become a crowded space. So it’s gonna take something quite special to break through the noise… and this just might be it.
It’s called webe850, and it’s effectively a giant treasure hunt that bridges the divide between social media, and the real world. Sure… you’ve heard that before…
1. The prizes are batsh*t crazy
Yep. ONE of the prizes is a one week’s stay on your own PRIVATE ISLAND in Belize, complete with meals and flights. As if that wasn’t crazy enough… here’s what else they got.
- 80 tickets for the upcoming WarCraft movie
- 365 high-end phones including the Samsung Galazy S7 Edge and the Huawei Mate 8
- 1 YEAR with an MPV complete with private driver and petrol
- 1 WEEK in your own private Castle in the UK
- RM500,000 in cash
- And more than 27,000 other lifestyle prizes like Coffee vouchers, and free taxi rides.
As far as we can tell, this is the biggest haul of prizes EVER in Malaysia. Anyone know of any contest that tops this?
2. And all you gotta do is look out for QR codes like this one
Ya modern treasure hunt no need to hide eggs or whatever. So you start with downloading the webe850 app. Nah… kasi you link kat bawah… senang!
Once you’ve got the app, just look for QR codes like the one above, scan them with your webe850 app, and win! Yea really that simple. There are prizes for highest number of points (from scanning QR codes), as well as totally random lucky draws (the island, castle and MPV ones fall under here… so everyone got chance!).
And where do you find these QR codes? Well they’re EVERYWHERE! There are some on the webe site itself, some at their partner sites (Grab, Chatime, Boost Juice, Coffee Bean, TGV… view a full list here), some at partner outlets (as in physical outlets), and some at this crazy thing …
3. They built a giant QR code maze in Sunway (with more prizes, of course)
Yep. You need to fulfill some special conditions to enter this Maze, but once you do… you’re almost guaranteed to win something. In this maze, are 12,000 QR codes, and each user will get only 60 seconds to go in, and scan the ones they want. From these 60 seconds, you could win anything from a cash voucher, to free juice, to one of 60 Huawei Mate 8’s worth RM2099!
In fact, CILISOS just went to check it out, and we won 3 RM500 Huawei Vouchers… and 3 other people won phones within half an hour! Better go fast tho… each QR code in the maze can only be scanned ONCE.
4. And during Hari Raya, they just gonna throw money
Yea so starting 15th June and running up to Hari Raya on 29th June, there won’t even be any contest mechanics. Just go up to any of these Duit Raya machines around town, scan the QR code, and win up to RM85,000 in cash! And of course, get REALLY lucky, and you could also win ZTE or Huawei phones again.
And the grand total of all these prizes?

RM 6 million. For a sense of scale, that’s RM0.20 for every man, woman and child in Malaysia. For a digital mobility service provider that hasn’t even announced an official launch date, that’s ALOT of giveaways, and it’s not even counting the amount they’re giving out to awesome community projects via the webe Community.
So if you need any other incentive to download the webe850 app… well here’s one. It’s conveniently placed right below.
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