What does the typical Malaysian do on weekends? Take our survey and we’ll show you ;)

CLICK HERE to take The Great Malaysian Weekend Survey 2018 🙂


Waaah weekend coming soon. No more spreadsheets, no more looking at sales KPI, no more listening to your boss scold you for someone else’s mistake! Say hello to 2 full days of Pure. Freakin’. Recuperation. 

The weekend is the best time to go paktor with our partner, go lepak with friends, go for road trip with the family…

But then again… weekends also mean… spending money like water 🙁


But what if we said you could SAVE half that amount instead?

Don’t worry la, this isn’t a gimmick. We know cos Cilisos became a guinea pig and tried out for you already.

Unlike your typical discount/coupon apps, our friends at The Entertainer have a buncha Buy-1-Free-1 deals on all sorts of stuff, from atas dinner to Thai massages, laser tag tickets to car window tinting. Almost anything la basically. There are also 1-for-1 deals specifically for hotels (‘Entertainer Getaway’), alcoholic drinks (‘Cheers’), and a whole buncha stuff in Bali (‘Bali’).

Screengrabs from our TE app
Most times you get 1-for-1, sometimes you get 50% off… either way it’s still good value for your money

BUUUTTttt, you gotta pay a bit… it’ll probably take you one or two usages to get back the money you paid tho. The app is originally priced at RM180 and usable throughout the whole of 2019, but if you’re interested, now wouldn’t be a bad time to take advantage of their special promo.

From 9 Oct – 22 Oct 2018, you can get the entire bundle (Entertainer, Cheers and Bali) for only RM95. (Existing members can get it for RM90 + 500 smiles point.) For more info on the app or to purchase, click here.




Oookay… so what does this gotta do with a weekend survey? #ihatecilisos

Since the app is most popular on weekends,  so that got us wondering… what DOES the average Malaysian do on weekends? How much does the average Ali/Appu/Ah Chong spend on a weekend? How late does do Malaysians typically wake up on Saturdays? And is it true that everyone “only spends time in shopping malls”??

So together with The Entertainer, we wanna find out just what kinda weird/interesting/funny/unique behaviour Malaysians have on weekends. So faster go take the Malaysian Weekend Survey 2018 and tell us! Hurry, survey closes 14th October 🙂 

As a REWARD for those who complete the survey, you’ll get The ENTERTAINER 2018 for FREE! Waah so lucky la ugaiz! Just remember that the reward code will disappear after the survey ends (so screenshot it/write it down!), and the code expires on 22nd Oct 2018.

CLICK HERE to take The Great Malaysian Weekend Survey 2018 🙂


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