The 15 funniest company signs in Malaysia (submitted by the readers of CILISOS)

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Way back in May when CILISOS launched, we held a contest to recruit photos of the funniest companies in Malaysia. And you guys didn’t disappoint. We were laughing until the office was a puddle of tears. Amongst all the serious stuff we’ve been covering lately, it was a welcome relief for us, and hopefully now, for you as well.
FYI each entry’s TITLE is from the contributors themselves. To those who aren’t featured here, don’t worry. There were too many good entries that we decided to keep them for a Part 2 while we recruit more entries. Check the bottom of this article for contest details, as well as details of our current SALAH SUBTITLES contest. In the meantime, please don’t eat while reading this.
1. Self Praise is No Praise
“I was walking across my favourite Banana leaf rice place and I felt the sudden urge to take a selfie, cause you know, E’RRBODY loves my face. This is odd as I neither have the ego of Justin (Bieber) nor self-descructive capitalism of Miley.But when I turned and saw the signage of the company I was standing next to, it all made sense. Apparently they were having a free self-esteem boosting promo that day.” – Lino
*clap*clap* Love the cropping, Lino.
2. The Most Honest Company…EVER.
“I had to send my car to USJ 21 to repair its tinting. As I was searching for the shop, I couldn’t help but notice that giant signboard across the street from where the tinting shop is.” – Joe Choong
The best part is that, like most companies of the sort, it doesn’t actually tell you what it does.
3. The King.
“When I was on my way to Ayer Keroh, Malacca, saw this epic building with their company signage say KingKote.” – Fariq
This almost violates our language policy, but the thought of a reduced heat, waterproof kote is most definitely KING.
4. The Epic Fail
“When I saw it, I was laugh with my friends. Firstly I thought the banner was installed not properly. But for the second time, when I go there, it still same. So I decided to take the picture and I think it is most funniest thing ever.” – MUHAMMAD AFIQ FIKRI
We’re with you, Afiq. This had us laughing our nuts off. Even more when we realised it’s a SIGNAGE COMPANY. HELLO!? NO WONDER YOUR BUSINESS CLOSE SHOP LA. The tongsui shop outside can probably outsell you.
5. Jangan Tak Tanya
“Some corner in Miri town.” – Kevin Vijayakumar
WOW TMI, Mr. Money Loaner. But if you take the time to read it, it makes you wonder how hideously disgustingly horrible their rates used to be. It almost sounds like a husband apologising to his estranged wife. And the Merry Christmas at the end is WIN.
6. Sadly No Tits Inside
“Found in old town Ipoh we couldn’t stop chuckling. The men said what a disappointment. Went in and no tits to be found” – Coleen Yap
7. Nasi kangkang famous rite? How about this??
My fren from northern sent to me – Nicky Tan
Wow. I dunno Nicky. Seems more like a down south kinda thing if you ask us. “Sorry Ma’am, can relax your leg a bit or it won’t fit”.
8. Open big big!
“A makan place in Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur.” – Joelynn Chin
The name here isn’t so funny. What’s funny is the grumpy dude standing there in the white shirt with an extraordinarily small mouth.
9. For a good time
“I saw it at Sentul, when I was just roaming around the area looking for a place to eat.” – Thivagar Arun Raj
Yea you and everyone else who’s ever been to Sentul. To the other 237 people that sent us the same picture, sorry. Thivagar gets the RM50 cos he was the first. As they say, the early Thivagar gets the Vargina. Hee Hee Hee. Sorry we couldn’t resist. Speaking of which
10. Funniest. Building. Ever.
“This is actually on my way home everyday from the office. And it never fails to make me feel like a 4-year old” – Chak
Yes this is me. And this was the picture we used to launch the contest, in case you missed it. HeeHeeHeelarious. Yay RM50 to me.
11. Bummer.
Our dear reader Hilton Franciscus didn’t give us a header for this one, which is fine since it seems to be from the other end.
12. Keep calm and visit the doctor
“Old town pj” – Nicole
This reader forgot to title her entry (she was probably still in shock. heh), so we came up with one. We love how it’s got three languages under it, just like these…

13. The wrong clinic name
“Jalan ipoh , behind hospital puswari” – CY Ong
Now that’s really finding your niche. And it’s near Jalan TAR?
14. Discrimination?
“22 June 2011 – location: shoplots nearby Pasar Payang, Kuala Terengganu
accidentally saw it from car window” – Shahrul Bashar
In case you’re still looking, it’s on the left above the MyVi. Perhaps the most ironic thing is that it seems to show a perfectly hetero-looking woman, who kinda looks like Bridget Bardot.
15. Climax Supplies
“Picture was taken in Jalan Patau-Patau, Labuan F.T and it was on the way to my workplace” – Bernadette Harry
Thank you SO MUCH for sending us a hi-resolution photo for this one so we can see the details. What are the chances of a company having a name like Climax Supplies, being based in Manmohan (hint: take away the ‘h’) Warehouse and their star product is… condensed milk?
And of course they use Hotmail
Thank you SO MUCH to our readers for taking the time to participate in this article.
Sorry to those that weren’t featured. There were just too many good ones. On the bright side, we are DEFINITELY running a PART 2, with some more of the entries we received from our first contest. If you have any new additions, use the form below to send them to us!
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