Father goes out of his way to convince his daughter not to get a cat

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This father in China has actually gone out of his way to prove a point to his daughter. We all have been there with our parents. We’ve all gone against our parents and done something For example they told you not to jump on the bed and you still did it, and ended up falling. The most typical Asian response to it would have been “Do lah do some more! See kena ady!”
This father takes it to another level
Watching the video above looks like the girl has been asking her dad for a kitty cat. He goes the extra mile to imitate a cat just to prove his point.
He goes on to push plates off the kitchen counter and splash water at the child. If that wasn’t enough he even upped his game by screeching like an angry cat. The 16-second video has garnered attention around TikTok.
Personally, I can relate to the girl. I remember the amount of convincing I had to do when I wanted a pet. I am just glad that my parents weren’t as extra as this dad.
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