So a Geoduck fell into a tank of Clams

And results in CILISOS’s shortest article ever. Unfortunately, Ryan Wong, who saw this in a seafood restaurant in Kayu Ara near our office, didn’t have any video footage of the Geoduck selecting a clam to inspect. So the only bit of information we can offer here is what the heck a Geoduck is.

The geoduck is both one of the largest clams in the world, and one of the longest-lived animals of any type“. – from Wikipedia lor.

Apparently, Geoducks are actually cousins of clams, and so maybe it’s just looking for a friend. It can do so much more efficiently than clams since its extension can grow up to ONE METRE! … and if you still can’t figure out the ‘point’ of this post, then don’t worry about it and we’re sorry to have wasted your time 🙂

Okla, just click here. Then click here.

….then watch this and try not to giggle like a 10-year old.

Forget fireworks. This Perak kampung's Raya tradition are these crazy 20-foot cannons.
About Chak Onn Lau 119 Articles
Chak is the editor-in-chief of CILISOS, and an imposing mass of muscle and good looks. He loves all forms of writing, especially profile information in faux third-person.