[UPDATE] OMG apes are taking over CILISOS articles! Spot the Monyet Meme for a heckin’ surprise

UPDATED 28 June 2017, 4.50pm

Yay guysss, the new War for the Planet of the Apes is going to be released on 13 July 2017! C’mon let’s go ape-poop!

In the third sci-fi installment of the Planet of the Apes franchise, super-intelligent ape Caesar and his band of super intelligent apes suffer heavy losses in their deadly battle with the surviving human army, led by a ruthless Colonel (Woody Harrelson). As the apes dwindle in numbers, Caesar battles with his conscience to decide their fate…

Okla cukup spoilers… nah watch the trailer 😛

Looks dem cool right!? So you’re probably itching to watch it now? CILISOS got yo silverback!


Spot our MonyetMemes in CILISOS articles and win tickets to movie premiere!

CILISOS and our friends at 20th Century Fox are running a MonyetMeme contest that will make you guys go ape! Starting today till 10 July, we will be putting in random memes and GIFs of cute and funny APES into our articles. Like this…

meme watermark
With this hashtag #WarForThePlanetMY

If you spot one, COMMENT on the Article Page with #WarForThePlanetMY and a copy of the link to the picture on CILISOS.my.

contest entry
Don’t forget the hashtag, guys… #WarForThePlanetMY

First 10 readers to comment with #WarForThePlanetMY on each meme or GIF will win ONE PAIR of War for the Planet of the Apes movie tickets for the premiere at TGV cinema, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Petaling Jaya. We’ve got 10 pairs to give away!!

Winners will be announced on CILISOS’ Facebook page regularly from now until 13th July when the movie actually launches! P/S: No repeat winners yea, must kasi chance to others.

Okies stop monkeying around and get to it guys!


[Update 26/6/2017] CORRECTIONS: Prior to this, we wrongly stated that 20 winners would win 1 ticket each. We’ve made corrections to clarify that there will be 10 winners who would win 1 pair of ticket each. We’ve also clarified that there should be no repeat winners. The premiere will be screened at TGV, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, PJ. We regret the error.


Kesiannya. Malaysian Dude Can't Join a FB Group Cause of His Name... [UPDATE!]
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