Tell us the most unexpected twists to your party nights in Malaysia (& win special Absolut bottles!)

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For a night out in KL, most of us know there are two types – a good night, and an EPIC night. The good nights consist of good company and good music and generally good vibes. The EPIC nights might involve mimes, elephants, and sometimes things only uncovered by the following morning, like an unexplained tattoo, or a new band you formed with an orangutan.

But sometimes, these nights take a little prodding and some encouragement to turn from a good night into an EPIC ONE, and that’s exactly the idea behind Absolut Uncover, which is covered (ironically) with special design to represent the moments that happen only under the stars.

And just like its name suggests, you’ll have to uncover it yourself too!

Like it? Here’s how you can get your hands on these babies
As some of us would know, party nights can get pretty wild, and some of the wildest ones end up in the story hall of fame everyone in the group talks about. Don’t know what that’s like? Just think movies like “The Hangover” or “Dude, Where’s my Car?”
Just like the bottle, we’re pretty sure some of you had uncovered some pretty EPIC tales on your night outs before. For less extreme examples that don’t involve stealing Mike Tyson’s tiger and sexy aliens, we asked around the office, and they sounded something like this:
“I was dancing at Zouk and the next thing I know, I woke up at Genting.”
“I was at the club with my friends and one of them offered to drop me off after the party has ended. But I ended up being left at the side of the road and he left me there for another party.”
So don’t be shy, share your stories and turn those embarrassing and borderline heart attack situations to your advantage by winning yourself one of these Absolut Uncover bottles instead! We have 10 to give away, so make sure you don’t leave out any interesting detail to your stories. OH and remember to do it before 25th April 2018. (Note: We prefer stories that don’t promote drunkenness)
And by the way, Absolut Vodka will also be throwing a party for Absolut Uncover on Friday, 20th April 2018 at Play Club from 11:30 pm onward, and a second one on 27th April 2018 at Vibes Club (TREC, KL) from 11:30 pm onward. You can call 016 725 5259 (for Play Club) and 012 666 9351 (for Vibes Club) if you wanna check out what it’s all about.
If you’re in Penang, there are 2 Absolut Uncover parties coming your way on 4th and 5th May 2018 at OZOO Club Penang from 11:30pm onward. You can call 016 444 5652 or 016 319 6111 to save yourself a spot.
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