A Malaysian developer wants to give you a chance to build your dream house. Here’s how

We know that the thought of buying a home has at least crossed your mind once. Whether you’ve actually bought one, bought a few, or like most us at Cilisos.my, can only afford to rent a studio apartment, chances are you’re where you are because it’s “your best option”.

This means, there’s always this nagging dissatisfaction that your current place could, let’s say, have a bigger space. Or that it could have more bathrooms. A bigger balcony. More car park bays. That it doesn’t face the highway. Or most importantly, doesn’t make your journey to work seem like you’re trying to balik kampung all the time.

Come to think of it, some of us even typically spend 10 hours being stuck in traffic… a week! Photo from The Star

So what if we told you that someone actually wants to build YOUR dream home… and sell it??

These Malaysian businesses want YOU to tell them what kinda home to build

For the first time ever, Malaysians from all walks of life can create their version of the ideal Malaysian home.

How, you ask? By taking the Malaysian Ideal Home survey! Our friends at Lafarge have partnered up with EdgeProp.my and S P Setia to bring you the Lafarge-EdgeProp MYHOME initiative, where they intend to run a nationwide survey on what makes the ideal home.

Together with their supporting partners (Feruni, Lightcraft, Nippon Paint and Panasonic), these guys will then use the data and actually build homes according to what Malaysians want.

“Got pool so what? Where is the toilet?”

If you’re wondering why this is a huge deal, well that’s because this is the first initiative of its kind, and you can actually BUY these homes once S P Setia constructs them in their 3,300 acre land in Semenyih.

EdgeProp.my editor, Au Foong Yee, said that some developers only ask for the preferences of their customers. However, this MYHOME initiative reaches out to all Malaysians and crafts out what they’d want in an ideal home, not house. Lafarge CEO, Thierry Legrand adds, “Our home is the single biggest financial investment in our lifetime for the majority of us.” Yeah, if we’re gonna be spending that much money, we sure as hyuck won’t wanna live wishing we had bought a home with more bathrooms.

So here’s your opportunity to co-create the ideal home with other Malaysians. You may or may not be thinking of buying one yet, but that doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to tell them what your dream house would be like. 🙂

Click here to take the Malaysian Ideal Home Survey now!

As a little ‘thank you’, at the end of the survey, you’ll be rewarded with discount codes usable at the Lafarge store on Lazada (basically DIY home improvement stuff like power drills, putty for cracked walls, and even… shoes?!). There are also rebates on Panasonic products and selected properties on S P Setia.

Oh btw, Cilisos.my will also get to kepoh around with the results of the survey, so we’ll tell you where you stand among other Malaysians when it comes to building the ideal home. Hurry, survey ends 31st March 2018 🙂 

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