Sick of Malaysians complaining about the country? This app can help you make a better Malaysia

Malaysia Day has just passed, but that doesn’t mean that we should stop thinking about ways for a better Malaysia. Our friends at Boost, Malaysia’s fastest-growing e-wallet, certainly don’t think so in their latest ‘Boost My Malaysia’ movement.

TURBO BOOOOOOST! Gif from the gallows of the internet

Now you guys may know them from all our past goncang-goncang articles (cos in those articles, they wanted users to goncang a LOT)… but now, they want Malaysians to be part of the ‘Boost My Malaysia’ movement to make Malaysia a kinder, cleaner, healthier, fairer and more progressive country. It’s almost like they’re a nation-building app!

But realistically speaking… how does this work?


You can contribute by just using the app to pay

We already know that soup kitchens exist in Malaysia. In fact we’ve written about what it’s like to feed the homeless in Malaysia, and let’s just say that it’s a very humbling experience to know that there are many others struggling to even find a meal a day… especially when for most of us, we’re fortunate enough to be able to order a wrap and have it delivered in 30 minutes.

So for a Kinder Malaysia, Boost will provide food aid to the less fortunate by contributing to Pertiwi Soup Kitchen for every 100 online payment transactions. FYI, these transactions are pretty simple – just scan and pay with the Boost app at your favourite shops or e-commerce sites.

For a Cleaner Malaysia, with every 100 bill payment transactions via the app, Boost through its partner Reef Check Malaysia will remove 1kg worth of trash from our coasts, keep our beaches clean.

Photo courtesy of Reef Check Malaysia
Photo courtesy of Reef Check Malaysia

Now if you didn’t know, we actually went to Tioman Island earlier this year where Reef Check Malaysia focuses a lot of their reef conservation work. What we found was that while the world’s corals were deteriorating, Tioman’s reefs were actually getting healthier. In 2013, Tioman’s hard coral cover was 52% (versus Malaysia’s average of 46%). However in the recent 2017 survey, the hard coral cover actually INCREASED to almost 60%. On top of that , the level of recently killed coral (an indicator of declining corals) had gone down as well (after increasing over the last few years).

So yea… trust us that we were really happy to hear that Reef Check Malaysia would be benefitting from this too, cos Cilisos editors are huge fans 🙂

For a Fairer and Progressive Malaysia, Boost will work hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Rural Development on the Smart Village initiative to boost entrepreneurship among rural residents and bring them into the digital economy. On top of that, with every 100 ‘Scan & Pay’ transactions done at Boost’s physical partners, Boost will contribute to a conference for the development of special education in Malaysia.

Photo from
Photo for illustration purposes, from

And finally, a Healthier Malaysia? A bit hard la kan since bubble tea shops are popping up left right centre all… Well, with every 100 prepaid top-ups purchased, Boost will contribute to MySTEMI Foundation under the National Heart Association of Malaysia to help generate funds and enable heart patients to gain access to the latest heart treatments and intervention.

For all these initiatives, Boost will be running them till 15th October 2019. So if you wanna band together, the technology is right in the palm of your hands – just download the Boost app today and start paying via the app. You won’t get charged extra, and you’ll be helping these causes.

To watch Boost's full video, click here.
To watch Boost’s full video, click here.

You can still do your part even after the campaign ends, whether it’s making healthier lifestyle choices or having sound ethics when you visit the beach. On a larger scale of things, it’s Malaysians that make Malaysia, so if we truly want a better country, the change starts with us 🙂

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