Boleh ke Najib guna Akta Diktator utk ambil tentera drpd Agong?
(Read original article in English.) Dah berbuih air liur kami bercerita pasal Akta MKN semenjak ia keluar secara mengejut baru-baru …
(Read original article in English.) Dah berbuih air liur kami bercerita pasal Akta MKN semenjak ia keluar secara mengejut baru-baru …
So the other day, this one story got pretty big on Facebook. Basically, question marks were raised when a video of …
*Artikel ni ada dalam Bahasa Melayu, tekan sini untuk baca! If we could generate electricity from controversy, the National Security …
(Baca artikel asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris di sini.) Akta MKN (Majlis Keselamatan Negara) kini dikenali sebagai “Akta Diktator”. Kalau nak …
*Artikel ni ada dalam Bahasa Melayu, tekan sini untuk baca! The “Dictator Bill” is what many Malaysians are now calling …
So two days ago, news broke that two english stations, Capital FM and RedFM are closing down. But you SERIOUSLY WON’T …
(Baca artikel asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris di sini.) Dah tentulah kami bercakap pasal undang-undang Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) yang sekarang …
After months of controversy, the National Security Council (NSC) Bill is now an Act, meaning that it’s a 100% legit …
WHOA Malaysiakini and The Star got raided by the police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)! It was apparently …
The Johor royalty has been making headlines lately, but maybe the most prominent and controversial one was about making Johor leave Malaysia …
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