Wanna support The Edge? Get their digital news for only RM30

With SO MUCH crazy stuff happening in Malaysia right now, we’re not surprised if everyone is glued to their handphones or laptops, clicking on news, after news, after news.

By now you know about The Edge being shut down for 3 months after their hard-hitting 1MDB story. We wrote about it and the response from ugaiz was overwhelming! The article was shared 14.5k times! Ugaiz DO care about Malaysian media!! 🙂

cilisos chak the edge shut down article
Click to read our article


This is Malaysia and we’ve got Internet yo!

Just because they shut off the printing machines doesn’t mean they can’t go digital. 😀 #helloits2015

*Unlike print, media companies don’t need a permit to run online editions. That’s why until today, Malaysiakini doesn’t have a permit despite winning the right to publish in court twice.

the edge online subscription main page 1
Click to go to the subscription page


Click here to subscribe

You get the whole 3-month package in app (android/iOS/desktop) AND PDF form (emailed to you) for only…. RM30!!! That’s only RM1 a day – even roti canai kosong isn’t that cheap any more. Of course, if you’d like to give more, it will really help The Edge guys a lot.

In case you can’t find the button – we also had that problem, hehe – hover over the orange button that says ‘Subscribe Now!’

the edge subscribe button
Click the orange button


Because the media has a responsibility to the public…

Which is to report the TRUTH. And for that, if they try to silence the media what does it say about our fundamental right to freedom of speech?

arrested sedition kay tat rafizi adam zunar collage
People who’ve been arrested for sedition. In the centre is Ho Kay Tat, The Edge’s CEO and publisher

What The Edge did took guts, even though they have 350 staff to pay. These guys risked their job security and their livelihoods to tell the public what they deserved to know. If we can show them support in any way, whether at a rally or something as small as signing up for an RM30 subscription, we send out the message that freedom of speech should not be restrained.

Long live freedom of speech!


A Sabahan's house caught fire, but the Bomba took too long to get there. Here's why.
About New Jo-Lyn 330 Articles
They see me Jolyn, they hatin' (Just kidding. My colleagues made me write this).