Bosan at home? Here’s how you can hang out with David Beckham this weekend

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Ever since the implementation of the Recovery Movement Control Order, some of us may have gone out and about to places like shopping malls…

…the jungle…

…or even to the gym.

Meanwhile, the rest of us couch potatoes may have just stayed at home doing… uhh… other kinds of activities like cross-stitching (yea, this writer is into that at the moment). But if you feel like you’re running out of ideas on what to do on this upcoming weekend, knowing how it’s a long one, allow us to suggest you an event that you can attend from home(!).
Organised by our friends at AIA (this is not sponsored tho), AIA Live is an event that offers you not one but as much as 30 activities within 7 hours! And allow us to add how you can also meet one of the sexiest men on earth. Yeap, we’re talking about the legendary football player and AIA Global Ambassador David Beckham.
We managed to kepoh with David to find out more about this event and how the lockdown in the United Kingdom (UK) was like for him and his family. And if there’s one thing we learnt from him was how, contrary to popular beliefs…
David spends most of his time with family activities like…Beekeeping??
Just in case you weren’t aware, the UK is among the many countries in the world to implement a lockdown when the global pandemic hit us a few months back. Of course this measure has been eased now but back when it was still being implemented, David shared that his family’s daily schedule kinda went out of the window.
As a fan of having a structure to his daily routine even after he retired from professional football, David felt that it was still important for his family to have some sort of structure to their day to day lives.
“We were able to juggle the home schooling with more fun stuff and plenty of fresh air – we were lucky that the weather has been amazing in the UK which made it all a lot easier. We tried to keep to some sort of regular bedtimes for the kids – a bit later at the weekends but in general, pretty much the same as pre-lockdown.” – David to CILISOS.

And when he said having a proper structure to his daily routine, you’d probably think that it involves a LOT of work out but that’s not quite the case. What we learnt from our short interview with him was how he spends quite a lot of quality time with his family.
See, lockdowns can be a bit stressful to people and we’ve written about that before. This may be why David and his wife, Victoria, believes that keeping their children happy and safe during times like this is very important.
“We wanted them to look back on this time with lots of happy memories of us being together. So, we’ve enjoyed doing lots of activities -we’ve had movie nights, Lego projects and Harper and I have enjoyed painting together.” – David.
Another interesting thing we learnt was how his daily routine is not that different to any of us everyday Malaysians! You may remember how most Malaysians became chefs, content creators (by making TikTok videos) and even gardeners, among other things during the movement control order.
And we gotta say that David is no different than any of us in that sense. That’s because he also picked up several new hobbies during the lockdown like baking, gardening and even beekeeping!

Just like some of you online shopping freaks (yea, we’re looking at you Klang valley peeps), David’s newfound hobby started when he bought a kit to build a hive online.
“I like to be busy so I built the hive from a kit I bought online and then had my first delivery of bees about a month ago and all the kids got involved with setting them up. Looking forward to my first taste of the honey!” – David.
And that’s not the only thing he’s looking forward to tbh.
David is excited to ‘see’ you THIS WEEKEND 
Since the global pandemic can be tough for everyone – be it physically or mentally, so we can’t help but to ask David if he has any advice to Malaysians on how to stay healthy while adhering to current RMCO measures. He emphasised that it is important to take care of ourselves mentally and physically.
“It’s not all about doing big things, sometimes just small actions make a difference and are easy to do.” – David.
As we mentioned earlier, David finds it important to have a routine but he also notes that it is also important for him to eat well, staying hydrated and keeping a regular sleeping pattern. And while he personally believes that running and exercising helps him clear his mind off things, he also acknowledges that everyone may not feel like it all the time.
Yea, we heard you. Not all of us are as fit as David and this is why he encourages all of us stay active even if it means by taking baby steps like doing gentle exercises.

Another useful tip he gave us was to find a balance across all aspects in life, especially when it comes to the food we eat.
“Personally, I love food so I try to make sure that if I have some treats, the next day I need to get back on track & choose healthy options.” – David.
See, there are more to these tips than just the ones we highlight in this article. But if you’re interested to find out more, you may wanna spend your weekend with David at AIA Live. David is pretty excited to see you at this event where he would be sharing more about how we can live healthier, longer, better lives
“It’s amazing that people in Malaysia can all come together online for this event and I hope people will feel inspired to make the little changes in their lives that can make a big difference. I look forward to ‘seeing’ you on 2nd August!” – David.
Ok let’s be real. We’re pretty sure most of you guys may already have plans for this weekend (read: balik kampung) but if you’re still keen on meeting David, then you may wanna join AIA Live, which would be held on 2nd August 2020 from 10am to 5pm. It has about 30 unique sessions offered to you ranging from cooking to exercising to health sharing sessions and even football challenges that you can do from home.
Oh, and besides David, you can also lepak with Malaysia’s squash queen, Nicol David and fitness instructor, Kevin Zahri who would also be at AIA Live. So, if you’re interested in this event, you may wanna head here to register for the event and stand a chance to win a trip to London. You can also head here to set a reminder for AIA Live. But, in the meantime, you can take a sneak peek at what the event has to offer you via this video here.
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